One of the characteristics of the 80 million members of Generation Y is that they are dreamers. They exist to pursue their dreams whether it be at work, at home or in a civic way.
This is good. It’s inspirational.
When we’re kids we think anything is possible. Adults call it being altruistic and somehow time, work and experience dampens that youthful gift most of us didn’t even know we had.
Then we get older and learn to be more mature, more responsible – in essence, more like an adult.
This is also good.
But both youthful dreaming and adult responsibility together is even better.
So, it’s up to us to see what we need to add to the mix to achieve that all-important 50/50 ratio.
Usually, it is being more childlike.
We need more wonder, more discovery, more fun which comes by allowing ourselves to be “young”. And if you think this actual youth has an advantage, that would be wrong. The advantage goes to those with youthful behavior no matter what their age.
You’re saying, could there be anyone on this earth who is half childlike and half mature adult?
The Dali Lama – revered for both characteristics whose enviable comportment makes us believe that it may be possible to be half kid and half adult.
Life is too short to let Mr. Burns ruin our happiness at work.
Or to outsource our childlike wonder to a world that can sap our zest for living.
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Was I ever lucky! My mom was a kid all the time, laughing, energetic, planning for fun, trips, tennis matches, parties and nights in San Francisco. My childhood was one huge carnival where nothing was impossible. Yet, when I needed her advice she was calm, attentive and grounded and always made me think and figure things out for myself. Her zest for living only faded in the last few months of her life 15 years’ dark journey into Alzheimer’s. What a lucky girl was I! I miss her every moment of every day.