By postponing judgment on things we hear in communicating with others – even by as little as one second – our brains begin to become retrained to respond better.
Responding instead of reacting – all because we commit to waiting as little as a second before responding.
Brain scans confirm that the part of the brain that avoids histrionics or emotional responses that can cause talking past another individual is stimulated every time we can add even one second to our response time.
That means fewer arguments with spouses over topics that get a fast response instead of a relevant response.
Fewer disputes with bosses or associates over how to proceed at the workplace.
This does not mean that adding one second is tantamount to giving in. It’s more like giving both sides a chance to digest what they’ve heard.
Brain research also shows that if we can postpone judgment for 1 second, we can eventually advance to 2 seconds and longer.
Whether we agree or disagree, relationships improve when we postpone judgment on what we think we heard.
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