There is overwhelming evidence that shows emphasizing a person’s positive strengths greatly increases their productivity.
Dale Carnegie always said, “don’t criticize, condemn or complain” but apparently modern workplaces never got that email.
Some 20,000 employees of 34 companies were polled in 2002 by the Corporate Leadership Council.
When performance reviews focused on what employees were doing right, it resulted in a 35% improvement in performance. Talk about the magic formula for motivating a team.
But when these employee reviews dwelled on their weaknesses, a 27% decline in performance was documented.
Even more useful to anyone who manages even one other person:
- According to a 2005 study reported in The Journal of Organizational Behavior, employees of an electronics and appliance store found that for achievement-oriented workers the best motivation was offering challenging opportunities.
- For employees with a low need for achievement, their hot button was greater autonomy, more free time or more social opportunities with fellow workers.
Now we have these new, proven strategies for increasing productivity of those who work for us.
Let’s give them a try.
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