Increase Your Gratitude in 1 Day

I discovered a Mayo Clinic physician who shared the most powerful example of why we never again want to be so complacent about taking things for granted.

His patient who had bladder cancer just wanted to be able to use the bathroom like everyone else.   That simple.  Because of his condition, an ordinary function that most of us don’t even think twice about became an object of appreciation.

We’ve heard “you’ll appreciate me when I am gone”.

Why do people never appreciate what they have until they lose it?

It’s human nature but we can do better.

This powerful approach breeds gratitude for even common every day things and recognizes appreciation for people we tend to ignore.

  1. Find three things to be grateful for three strategic times a day.
  2. Wake up in the morning and before getting out of bed or even fully opening your eyes, name three things you are grateful for as you wake up.  It could be the person next to you, the sun shining in, the feel of the rug under your feet.
  3. Midday, find three more things to be grateful for in the same manner.  This can be in the form of an email, text or call to tell others thank you.  Or a private recollection.
  4. Before going to bed, three more things about the day you’ve just lived that you are grateful for. 

For some, taking time to appreciate at three strategic times a day will be more gratitude than they’ve expressed in weeks or months.

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