Susan Cain has a great new and much acclaimed book out called Quiet: The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can’t Stop Talking.
Loud gets heard.
Pushy gets its way.
But introverts get left on the sidelines. It may have always been that way but with the advent of social media, it is far worse. Domineering people rule social media as well.
Cain tells us about foreign students who feel uncomfortable in the extrovert-oriented American school system. And she walks us through Tony Robbins, Dale Carnegie and an evangelical church.
Quiet is as powerful as bombastic.
- The best speakers know the power of a dramatic pause and yet some of the most effective speakers are soft-spoken.
- In a world increasingly dominated by 80 million Millennials, authentic is more persuasive than dramatic.
- Sometimes it is better to pretend to be an extrovert than to actually be one.
- Contrary to popular belief, many of the best and most successful salespeople are introverts. They have the one quality that guarantees effective salesmanship – the constant ability to listen rather than talk.
If you’re soft-spoken, quiet or downright shy, stop seeing it as a disadvantage.
Our world may seemingly reward the loud and aggressive, but quiet and authentic people are powerful in all phases of life if they can see their introverted traits as being the gift that they are.
“There’s zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas” – Susan Cain.
Please share this thought with a friend who needs to hear it or a child whose life defends on it — Jerry