An Awesome Secret to Happiness You’ve Never Heard

Researchers and physicians say about half of happiness depends on genetics and the other half comes from things that occur in our everyday life although it is a short duration.

That leaves 12% that is directly in our hands – enough to swing our moods up in the direction of a happier life.

  1. Little goals work as well as big life changing goals.  In fact, an endless list of goals tends to make people more consistently happy.
  2. Faith, family, community and work are now identified as the main areas of concentration that can help us to influence that 12% that is actually in our hands to use.
  3. Money can buy relief from poverty but it can’t buy happiness.  As I’ve suggested before, researchers say that anything over $80,000 a year in compensation doesn’t make individuals happier.  And, of course, The Beatles were right that money can’t buy us love.
  4. Satisfaction at work or career goes a long way toward fulfilling that extra 12% of happiness that is within our control.

And here is a little known secret that was shared with me that I now want to share with you.

When we get our minds off of ourselves – even for just a little time every day – and concentrate on others, we immediately become happier.  It’s anti-intuitive to most because it doesn’t directly lead to a resolution of our problem at hand.  But it works.

The first day I tried this I was desperate – everything had seemingly gone wrong.  Focus on others and it is the gift of enlightenment about the elusiveness of happiness.

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Christmas is the Christian celebration of the birth of Christ and yet over the past few decades the holiday (some say, “holy” day) has become more secular.

The malls are open but the stores are not as decked out because many of the investment banks that own retail outlets have their bottom line to watch.

This year, financial experts say that the soft economy is impacting the amount of money that can be spent on giving Christmas gifts to others but ironically, at the same time, the practice of self-gifting is growing rapidly.

Presents for yourself.

And retailers are tapping into this (remember, I said this whole thing has become more secular).  Apple is going to be joining lots of other companies with post-Christmas promotions aimed at the giver.  In other words, the 12 days of Christmas has become the 12 days after the 25th when we can spend the money we got or saved at Christmas.

This is how it is, but there is another type of self-gifting that costs nothing and delivers great rewards:

  • Give yourself a break.  Promise yourself many days when you get off your own back.  Perhaps the greatest gift of all is self-forgiveness.  We are human.  We do our best.  We can do better.  But we have done all we can for now.
  • Give yourself an IOU.  Every time you do something well, make a significant accomplishment or handle a difficult promise, issue an IOU to yourself to redeem the next time you need a boost of confidence.
  • Give your love.  We live in a world focused on being loveable, getting love or having more of it.  Start with yourself.  Let me help.  Finish this sentence:  “I love this about myself”.   How many of these can you come up with?
  • Give yourself the gift of dreaming.  Everything good started with a dream from someone whether it is a relationship, a movement, a cause or a business.
  • Give yourself the gift of hope.  Life without hope is actually death.  As long as we’re here and we’re on this earth, all things are possible.

Self-gifting at stores before and after Christmas can be fun, but if we’re going to give ourselves a gift, make it one that lasts for a long time to come.

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How To Add More Productive Years

We do more to find ways to live longer than we do to live better.

For some reason, we like diets, and vitamins, exercise, yoga, psychotherapy, medicine and even religion to add more years onto our lives.

Whether you are 18 or 88, the desire is always there.  A Mayo Clinic physician once told me that people who abuse their health often say, “you have to die from something” until it’s time to die.  

Why wait for that doomsday scenario when we can add more productive years to our lives starting right now — today.

By not living a day without an accomplishment, you guarantee more productive years.

Let’s do the math.

If you add up all the days in the past year when you’ve had all you can do to handle life’s problems or at best not accomplish any of your goals, it could be considered a day you’d like to live over.

Multiply that times your life expectancy and you’ve discovered the secret to adding more productive years by making each day one of accomplishment.  Then, if you’re blessed with good health, good genes and a longer lifetime, it gets even better.

When people die they never regret the time they spent well but they almost always wish they could have back the time they squandered.

My own personal goal is to set some goals (business, personal, health and family) everyday and shoot for at least one accomplishment a day.

Live life with no regrets.

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When Your Life Gets Altered Overnight

There it was in a New York Times article about Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme victims five years later.

A man who sold his business and put the proceeds in the ill-fated Madoff scheme said, “When your life gets altered overnight, you realize you don’t have to keep doing everything you’ve been doing.  You don’t need to belong to a country club, or drive an expensive car or buy expensive jewelry”.

Previously I have written about studies that show any more than $80,000 a year is more than you need to be happy.

You may not agree, but the majority of those polled did not assess their own lives as being happier because they earned more money, had more things, went to more places.

Often when people simplify their lives, they increase their happiness and now we know that there is research evidence to back it up.

So, for those of us who have seen our world overturned, there is hope.

I used to tell my USC music industry students that Hollywood was filled with people who have more money than you could ever dream of but far less happiness.

In fact, even if our lives aren’t altered overnight, the remedy is the same.

Do more of the things you crave and not earn more money at the expense of happiness.

Money is a good thing.  It’s just not a happiness pill.

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The Best Confidence Builder

We can be addicted to drugs, alcohol, work, sex, food, spending money we don’t have by shopping. 

We can even become addicted to religion.

For many years Alcoholics Anonymous has been a fabulous resource for many people looking to overcome their addictions.

But the essence of changing a life around is one word.


At some point, if we’re really serious about dealing with our problems, we have to make a choice – a decision, a new plan to forge ahead.

And when we’re tempted to go back, we have to constantly remember that life isn’t living us, we are living life – in other words, we are knowingly making a choice.

This concept goes beyond addiction.  It also applies to success and happiness.

We may be downtrodden, but we have a choice to fight back.

We may have gotten the worst break and our lives are off track, but it is up to us if we are going to focus on the one thing that will bring us back – the choice.

When people allow their lives to go bad, they cannot fix it with co-dependent people surrounding them.

They need to face up to the fact that if they don’t make a choice, their lives will never change.

Choice is a freeing thing.

But it is also, an instant confidence builder. 

Finally resolve the issues that you have been wrestling with – choose a path – and just the act of making that choice will palpably make you feel more confident and happy.

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Overcome Under-Employment

You’ve heard of unemployment – actually, it seems like we’ve heard nothing but that for years.

And there is “over-qualified” which is usually said when we don’t get the job we want when we have more than enough skills to do.

But have you ever heard of under-employment?

That’s what Millennials are facing as they come of age in an economy that doesn’t offer the promise that their parents had when they first entered the workforce.

Actually, Millennial parents are facing under-employment as well because business experts say that if a person loses their career after the age of 50, it may be the last career job they ever have.

The cure for under-employment is redeployment.

Adapt to the new world.  Go back to school.  Chase another dream.

Here is what I advise audiences when I speak on this topic:

1.  Make a list of 5 things that you would like to do with your life without regard to your education, experience or current position.

2.  You may not put anything to do with your current field of work on that list – after all, we’re looking to stretch ourselves here.

3.  Resist the temptation to leave something off that list because you are not trained for it or because you think you’re too young or too old.

4.  Take as much time as you need to come up with 5 viable ideas.  If you can throw this list together in one day, throw the list out.  This takes forethought.

What you will find is that if you’re an orthopedic surgeon and tired of practicing medicine, you may want to go into fashion.

That’s exactly what Taryn Rose, M.D. did – she left medicine to design comfortable and fashionable shoes for women and men.  

Are you willing to stretch yourself to find a new beginning?

And it’s never too late – as Colonel Sanders found out when he founded his fast food business well past middle age.

The “secret recipe” to surviving under-employment is to transcend what the marketplace has to offer us at any given time and get to what we have to offer now.

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Never Let Anyone Tell You What You Can Do

A friend that I respect told me several months ago that I was letting other people live my life.

He had to be a good friend to say that to me, right?

But what he told me has reordered my life and I would like to tell you about it.

We can get advice from others – sometimes good advice, sometimes not so good.

We can get help from those around us.

We can hear reality checks like the man who told a successful entrepreneur I know, “Are you sure you want to take this risk?”  Years later this man marveled at what the entrepreneur accomplished.

But the one thing we must never do is let anyone tell us what we can or cannot accomplish.

You’re never too young to achieve success.

You’re never too scared to take a prudent risk.

We don’t get to outsource our dreams to another person because they are our dreams and no one will ever see them the way we do.

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  • You’re right Jerry, you are never too young … But also, you are never too old

The Fountain Of Hope

I heard recently Friday of a man who was diagnosed with incurable cancer who was told in no uncertain terms to get his affairs in order.

So, he gave his money away to loved ones and braced himself for the inevitable.

That was 9 years ago!

This man is still alive and now “broke”, as he jokes.

Doctors must be honest but they must never take away hope because without hope men and women cannot face another day.

I have not been able to get this story out of my mind because in so many ways we tend to become despondent about the future when adversity strikes and, wouldn’t you agree, terminal cancer is about as hopeless as it gets?

The reality is that there is always hope.

People overcome all sorts of odds every day.  Even divorce, unemployment, health issues and unrealized dreams can be salvaged.

So, two things this morning:

1.  Give yourself hope that you can overcome all odds because it is amazing what hope can do.

2.  Give the gift of hope to someone else – a child, a friend, a person down and out in the face of adversity.

Hope is the fuel that keeps us going.

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  • And you’ve said it all when it comes to living as well

  • My story is of a woman who was at the hospice, terminal with cancer and depressed about it. Her doctor asked her what she wanted to accomplish in life. She was obviously infuriated at him and angerly, told him off. How dare you! You of all people should know that I have a very short time left. Why would you torture me so? He explained and yada, yada, she began to day dream about things she’d like to do and slowly got to thinking of the things that she would do if it wasn’t for the cancer. Her last month on earth was transformed from one of pain and sorrow to one of considerably more joy. I’m not sure of the exact point or relevancy this story has here but it has a lot to do with your mind and framing a situation in a way that makes you a better person.

A Better Way To Use “Yes” and “No”

If you want to be popular, find ways to say yes as much as possible.

Want to sell more things?  Get to yes and avoid no.

One important caveat:  never promise what you cannot deliver or it will be the shortest popularity contest you ever won.

But what about no?

There is a time to stop saying yes.

  • When your boundaries are breached.  Anyone that pushes you to a place where you are uncomfortable or abuses you gets an immediate, firm and non-retractable “no”.  Period.
  • “I Don’t” works better than “I Can’t”.   “I don’t” is a sign of affirmation, an affirmation of willpower.  I can’t is restricting and really isn’t a choice so it tends to undermine our power.  
  • Say “No” to something instead of somebody.  If possible, direct the no to the deed and not the person unless the message is not getting through.

Often we look for complex things to help us in our relationships with others.

But sometimes we are empowered when we use “yes” as much as possible when we want to help someone and “no” when we need to protect ourselves and our boundaries.

There you have it – something I think is worth sharing with the people you care about most.

If there is a topic you’d like me to address tell me about it here.

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  • Psychology and, Yes! Mr. White…SCIENCE!

Sleep Breakthroughs To Make You Happier

Sleep more.

Easy to say, not always easy to do.

Negative thoughts get processed by one part of the brain (the amygdala, to be precise) and positive thoughts are processed by a separate part of the brain (hippocampus).  But when we become sleep deprived, the hippocampus takes the brunt and we focus on negative thoughts instead of happy ones.

In one experiment outlined in the book Nature Shock sleep deprived college students tested could remember 81% of words with negative connotations (like “cancer”) but only 31% of words that were positive or neutral.

Other studies show we overreact to negative emotions and fear when we need more sleep.

Sleep is one tough project, but here are some things that I would like to share that have helped me tremendously. 

  • Sleep with an app.  My wife discovered that the new Philadelphia Eagles coach Chip Kelly told his players to download an app called Lark and buy the watchband that they would wear to clock their sleep every night.  It communicates by Bluetooth and reports on the quality of sleep, duration, disturbances and gives hints on how to improve it.
  • Sleep 7-8 Hours nightly.  I refused.  Said I couldn’t do it until I had to face that app every morning and slowly but surely started averaging sleep in the healthy range.  There is no getting around it, we humans all need 7-8 hours of sleep a night no matter how we say we can get by without it.
  • Wake up no more than 10 times a night.  As Lark teaches, if you awaken more than 10 times nightly – even without being aware of it – you may need to see a doctor about sleep apnea, a major disruptor of good healthy sleeping.

I have no financial interest in Lark and there are certainly lots of other alternatives out there, but one thing is for sure.  If we take a methodical, positive approach to improving our sleep, it can be the best happiness pill in the world.

If you decide to focus on sleep, I’d love to know your experiences.  Good luck – Jerry

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  • Jerry,
    One approach that has proven to work with me is to write every thought out before I go to bed, and I mean every thought. I type on my labtop and typically feel a weight has lifted immediately after. I’m very good at thinking, actually over-thinking, at night and my mind tends to race then so this has made a major improvement on my sleeping patterns! I’ve found myself thinking about falling asleep and that’s the causing me not to! I’ve learned that even though I don’t feel stressed I am but it’s subconcious so getting my thoughts out relaxes me and a wonderful tool to manage stress. I’ll put reminders in my phone as I’m writing out my thoughts because once I start jotting down a few thoughts, my mind keeps running and I feel like I’m accomplishing things just be putting them to paper, or a laptop. Try it out!

  • Hi Jerry,
    Here’s a great thing – Feng Shui: Sleep with your head in the South and feet in the North. Try that and you’ll get the sleep you need.  It works. Chances are if your sleep is interrupted as much as you claim you might be facing opposite poles. Check it out.
    Donnie G.