Balancing Cellphone & Life

The average teenager texts more than 3,400 times each month.

And that figure is from 2011.

Up 300 alone from 2010.

Parents can’t point the finger of blame because as with everything else, they are teaching their children by example how to abuse digital devices.  In fact, research shows more adults than teenagers text while driving– a bad example to set for sure.

The average time we spend on a website is 20 seconds and the average number of websites a day that we visit is 40.

We are all living drive-by lives.

Things are so bad that Dr. Amit Sood, the physician who runs the stress program at Mayo Clinic says he attended a conference of meditation instructors where more than half were scrolling through emails and surfing the web during presentations.

This is insane.

The solution is to focus attention on the now.

No one is going to give up their digital devices but making them tools instead of a destructive lifestyle is our present day challenge.

Commit to focusing attention on what you are doing presently without distraction.

It’s a good way to bring balance back to your life and to teach those around you how to participate in life not just skate past it.

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