The way not to win the approval of others is to spend your time trying to please them.
When trying to win the approval of others, look to yourself first.
The baseball great Ted Williams batted over .400 one season, something that has happened very infrequently in the sport.
But that means that 60% of the time, Williams was out – didn’t get a hit, didn’t help the team.
When we want to win the approval of others we must never try to hit 1.000 sucking up to them.
We must be true to ourselves.
Even when people do not agree, they seem to admire a person who is comfortable in their own shoes.
So today – just for one day – embrace yourself, make all that you are good enough without question, be confident of the gifts you have and even grateful for having them.
Then step up to the plate and do the best you can.
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