As a child, I ran when someone came at me with a camera (maybe I felt I didn’t want to break it, eh?).
Because of technology I have so many pictures on my digital devices and on the cloud that I can hardly remember life without taking photos all day.
February 25th – the date of what would have been my father’s birthday – I wished that I had as many videos and pictures as I do of myself and other things that don’t matter as much. My wife never met him. It seems that by today’s standards, I hardly have enough pictures and videos to show her. My dad and I both had dimples in our chin. Oh well …
Vivid memories.
Photos are never bad – they are usually happy reminders. I don’t think we can ever have too many, what about you?
Living in the present and not being on the lookout for our next Instagram moment is the one danger we must be aware of because in pursing the next social photo, we run the risk of not enjoying the moment and soaking it in.
Like life, it’s a balance.
My iPhone 6 has the second best camera that I’ve ever carried around.
The best is my imagination, which also records visions that are attached to feelings, and which can be as vividly recalled as a photo.
To take photos mindful of experiencing each vivid moment in real time – that’s my goal.
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