Both political parties nationally and locally play hardball at election time. This year was worse where all parties are guilty of taking nastiness to a new level.
To those who can’t fathom a Trump presidency, there is another election in four years.
To those concerned about lying, lack of trustworthiness and broken promises from Secretary Clinton, the best advice is do, don’t stew. Get to work to bring about change you can live with.
But today’s nastiness goes beyond politics.
Bullying on line.
Cold relationships built on texting and email without the softness of a voice or emotion.
Rudeness from looking down at phones instead of looking into someone’s eyes to get the measure of emotions from the people we talk to.
No law can be passed that will make people nicer but there is no reason not to continue to live the life of your dreams by treating people the way you would want to be treated.
When I talk to a senior, I refer to them as “sir” or “ma’am” out of respect to my parents who would want me to talk that way.
In talking to a child, treat them with respect.
Dale Carnegie changed my life – I taught the course for 11 years – every Dale Carnegie principal is as relevant today as when he wrote the book decades ago. Live by his principles and teach them to those around you by example.
Dale Carnegie principles are your blueprint to changing a world of nastiness.
If I ate pasta every night, I would get sick of it (okay, it would take time, but still). We crave variety and should crave the differences in others and see it as enrichment of our lives
Agree to disagree. Even when others stand for things that I find unacceptable, I must say to myself – dislike the deed, not the person or we will live in a never ending world of hate.
We change the world one person at a time.
And yes, we can change the world – those around us, tomorrow’s leaders who may be looking to us today – by being the person who is big enough to say I will fight for what I believe but I will not become my own worst enemy.
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