The #1 Problem Communicating — Solved

In today’s digital world it’s getting someone’s attention.

People are distracted from their work, their play, interactions with others and even their sleep.

Media companies full well know that getting the attention of audiences is harder than ever and keeping them focused is even harder.

So is it hopeless?

The solution may seem non-intuitive, but it works.

  • When speaking to a person who is distracted stop until you get their attention and then continue.  Don’t be surprised if they just dial you out at which point unless you have the need to continue the conversation, end it until you get their attention.
  • Talk in terms of their interest not yours – this is the potentially non-intuitive part.  After all, fighting distraction by getting people to talk about themselves?  Absolutely.  Few people will tune out talking about themselves and their interests.
  • In a world where few people live in the present, timing is everything.  Every good teacher knows that people can’t learn unless they are interested in what you have to say so watch for the moment and the signal.
  • Don’t use email to communicate.  Email is easy to blow off and you can’t get a reading of the person’s tone.  In person or by phone (yes, phone) if you want to get your message across.

When I was a professor at USC, I would gather in the interest by standing in silence and then saying, I want to share one more thing with you and then we are going to leave class early.

You don’t even have a minute but you have captured attention.

Make your point just like a tweet – in a short sentence.  If they respond, you continue. 

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