Social media is becoming a misnomer.
It is anti-social media when conducted in the presence of other people or instead of interacting with others.
This is an epidemic that is being at the very least allowed by parents who have succumbed to their children’s peer pressure by enabling the overuse of social media.
Facebook skews older.
Instagram is like a vanity plate for many users depicting a life of dreams or excesses rather than reality. But it can also be fun and creative.
SnapChat is for the young who want to express themselves in a short audio or video clip and then have it disappear.
When social media interferes with living in the now 100% focused on the person you are with or activity you are involved in, then there is a worrisome component of social media addiction that exists.
Step 1 – Spend as much time focused on the here and now as you spend on social media.
Step 2 – Start new friendships outside of social media and conduct them predominantly face-to-face.
Step 3 – Address the anxiety that is being generated by witnessing other people’s “better” lives on social media.
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