Lu Ann Cahn, a longtime TV reporter in Philadelphia and a longtime cancer survivor believes she has found a way to eliminate the blahs, the depression that hits us when things go wrong.
In 2010, she felt a funk coming on and decided to try a novel change. She would do something new every day.
She walked across the 8,300-foot span of a bridge one day and although a suspicious police officer stopped her fearing that she was going to jump, she was never more in the moment in a positive way.
Lu Ann Cahn survived three major health problems that began early when she was 33. She’s now 53 and writes about how she recharges her life by doing something positive every day.
She’s serious about trying new things.
On one January 1st, Lu Ann jumped into the icy Atlantic Ocean in nothing but a bathing suit.
She can’t skate very well, but she auditioned for being one of The Philly Roller girls.
She slid down the stairs of the art museum after a snowstorm.
But not all her new things were challenging and wild. Some days she pushed herself to meet new people.
It’s free. It works. And it turns a disadvantage into an advantage.
Here is Lu Ann Cahn’s inspirational story.
And a link to her book and blog.
“I dare me” – Lu Ann Cahn
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