Tell them they did something very well or (if it applies) that they were correct about something they said.
Guaranteed to get their attention promptly.
When was the last time someone told you you were right or remembered fondly something that you said?
Ever notice that people don’t really want advice, even if they ask for it.
They want someone to listen to them.
When self-absorbed people ramble on and on (and they do this more now than ever), it is a call for recognition by someone other than themselves.
They want to be validated by you.
When someone turns a deaf ear to what you’re saying, look to the other side of silence to determine what scares or upsets them the most.
Dale Carnegie in his best selling book tells the story of how a good listener at a party can somehow be complimented as being a great conversationalist.
The edge goes to the person who understands that someone will listen to you avidly when you listen to them first.
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