Every activity that doesn’t involve a screen makes us happier.
That’s the research of a survey of 8th, 10th and 12th graders that has been conducted continuously since 1991.
Even homework (yes, I did a double take, too) makes them happier than staring at a screen or getting lost in the black hole of social media.
Playing sports, exercising, reading – all rate higher on the teen’s happiness scale than being involved with a digital device.
Computer games, social media, texting, video chat, watching TV – all get worse marks on the teen’s happiness scale.
People who gave up Facebook for a week were happier, less lonely and less depressed.
How to live with our digital devices is a big deal.
Parents push them on kids who have not developed their social skills.
Adults find themselves withdrawing into their digital screens.
No pills, no headshrinkers, no counseling necessary.
Adult or child – come back to life in the present even with its ups and downs. Research shows you’ll be happier.
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