Friends Who Take

Never has any generation lived in an age so aware of friendship.

The term social media suggests friendship – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine and the like.

We “friend” people on Facebook and our total number of friends is tallied on the site for all to see almost as if to claim bragging rights.

We text – usually about ourselves.

When we talk, we are increasingly ego centered.

Dale Carnegie, the still heavyweight champion of human relations, said to focus on that which other people want makes them like us more.

If he is still correct then we are making a lot of enemies.

Not answering texts.

Answering only what we want to answer.

Talking in person or on the phone with others about our favorite topic –ourselves.

Don’t be a friend who takes.

Give your time and sincere interest in the lives of others.  Even strangers.

You won’t die of neglect.

In fact, you will feel great knowing you are empowered to make other people come alive and at the same time crave being your friend.

Friends who give, give of their time and sincere interest.

They put aside their own personal needs.

In giving, they receive.

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