Fear of Failure

Once we fail, we understandably protect ourselves against more failure.

This can be an unintended consequence of self-preservation but what it is not is a good way to succeed.

We have human potential every day. 

Endless possibilities are out there at all times.

And we have to put it out there at all times to succeed.

When I taught the Dale Carnegie Course I used to lead a chorus of chants with class members that included the phrase “act enthusiastic and you’ll be enthusiastic”.

Why?  Because we can’t think ourselves into enthusiasm.  We have to do it first and feel it as a consequence of taking action.

The same is true of success.

If we disregard the fear of failure. 

Push forward with abandon. 

Chase our dreams. 

Let no one stop us. 

Settle for nothing less than fearlessness, we automatically succeed whether we attain our specific goal at the time or not.

To live this life to the fullest, we must live this life to the fullest.

“The man (person) who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare” – Dale Carnegie

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