- Every time you have a success of any kind, make a mental IOU for yourself. I put them as notes on my smartphone. Build the list and refer to it often. Exceeded your sales quota? Make an IOU note of it. Helped your child through a rough time? Another IOU. They add up and they build confidence. Review them often.
- Do the thing you fear to do. Paralysis by indecision is more deadly to self-confidence that making a bad decision.
- Speaking of bad decisions, you’ll have them. Embrace them. Learn from them. Each failure is temporary unless you stop trying. Never fear failure.
- Think less of what people might think of you and more of what you think of yourself. Take five minutes upon rising each day to look into the mirror and ask “Am I the person I want to be?”
- Failures, setbacks or misfortune are the things that makes us more confidant tomorrow. Just surviving builds confidence if we let it.
- See vividly in your mind’s eye that which you want to accomplish. Getting rich is not as effective a goal as seeing yourself in a beautiful house, nice car and surrounded by loving people. Wishing for a promotion is not as much as a confidence builder as seeing your imaginary new business card “Vice President of …” with your name on it.
- Take a compliment and repeat it often. It is a flaw of being human that we repeat the negative things that hurt our confidence when there are so many positive thinks we too easily forget.
Thank you for letting me be part of your day! I love to hear from you. Jerry
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