The sure and only way to make people happy whether they are family members or customers is to exceed their expectations.
Decades ago, the customer was always right but was the customer always happy?
And in the digital age, it’s getting harder to find happy people.
Recent polls confirm that you can find happy customers at Zappos and Apple support, but most companies fall short in this area. LiveNation, the concert operator, really falls short in customer expectations.
Parents are guilty as well – promises not kept, time not spent together.
Here’s a short course on exceeding expectations:
- If you say it, do it. When the commitment comes out of your mouth, start planning to deliver. Promise it for one day longer than you need so you don’t have to make excuses for being one day late. Then, exceed expectations.
- If there is a problem, try “I’m going to make this right”. No one can ask more than making something right. Then, commit to the path it will take to deliver on the promise.
- Say, “Is there any other way I can be of help?”. Most people will say “no”, but the sound of satisfaction resonates in goodwill.
- The greatest gift you can give a family member or a customer is the gift of your time. When donating it, give them 100% of your attention.
- Listen to the other side of silence – that is, frequently what is not said is the problem you should be trying to work on.
People have simple needs.
At the top of the list is the need to be heard.
After that, the magic begins to happen.
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