Carter Hart, the NHL Philadelphia Flyers goalie prospect of the future is about to turn 20 and to celebrate becoming a pro, Hart deleted his Twitter account.
Says there no point in it.
“You see a lot of news and stuff, and whether it’s positive or negative, you just don’t want to hear that stuff. For me, I just try to stay away from it and worry about what I’m doing and where I’m at right now.”
The best way to focus is to avoid distractions.
Social media consumes us with likes and follows. We see people arguing over politics, often being nasty to each other. The bad sometimes rivals the good.
Two things.
Disconnect or at least step back from the black hole of social media and see how much more focused you can become.
And, recapture valuable time wasted on being buried in devices to follow people that often don’t matter to you.
It doesn’t take a lot to refocus your life with people, places and dreams that have more of a chance coming true in the here and now than glued to a screen on a digital device.
What really makes you happy is so possible the more often you can focus on it.
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