This does it.
I read in The New York Times recently that large corporations such as Intel, Go-Pro, SeaWorld, PayPal and others no longer conduct annual shareholder meetings.
Tell that to Warren Buffett who makes an actual happening out of his shareholder meetings.
Ostensibly shareholder meetings are to allow anyone who owns even one share of their stock to stand up and hold the company’s officers to accountability.
You guessed it, these companies say it is about saving money not cutting interaction but whether you believe that or not it points to the world we are becoming where virtual is replacing reality.
A confession here: I love (not just like) my smartphone and every digital device Apple makes including the watch. But I know it’s not about either or. It’s about balance.
We’re bent over with increasingly poor posture staring at screens.
We’re not interacting, we’re avoiding and it is not a good example for children and teens let alone encourage friendships or civility.
I’m concerned and I’m going to do something about it. May I share some initial ideas and solicit yours.
- No phones with food.
- No phones in the presence of others (exception are emergencies but not because you feel more comfortable looking down and not up).
- No texting and driving even if you’re good at it – do something else. Think. Dream. Laugh. Talk.
- For every minute on a digital device, vow to have an equal number of minutes being 100% present in the company of others — not just being there.
Psychologists and scientists tell us that our digital devices are an addiction.
If we use them as tools and try to aim for balance, our lives and relationships can be enhanced.
If not, the tools we love could become weapons.
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