Find something to celebrate and/or appreciate on days that are challenging.
A bad day gets out of control very quickly and often gets worse once we realize we’re having one.
There is no cure for making people nicer, employers and associates more civil or family and friends appreciate you the way you’d like.
But there is one thing that works every time and it has nothing to do with people who are giving you a hard time.
It begins with us.
Once our brains are stimulated to feel that things are going south rapidly, one way to halt it is to find something or someone you appreciate.
It can even be done like this …
My boss is insensitive to how hard we work for him/her, but my spouse always seems to appreciate me.
My ex is driving me crazy. But thankfully I have (name them) who are always there for me.
I’ve got the flu and I feel awful but I’ll be over it in a few days so believe it or not I am grateful that I ONLY have the flu.
Our world is immediate.
We hit “send” in more ways than one and that is not always helpful, so when you send a message of despair on challenging days, send a second one directly to your brain finding something or someone to celebrate.
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