Starting Now

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now” – Chinese proverb.

It’s not laziness that prevents us from acting, it’s lack of confidence.

When we’re sure, we’re more likely to get started.

To get an extra supply of confidence that is needed in life, do as Shakespeare said, “assume a virtue if you have it not”.

So today, it’s ready, set, I can do it.

Finding More Time

Bill Gates in reviewing the book The Case for Reason, Science, Humanitaism and Progress noted how life has improved for us over the decades:

 “Time spent doing laundry fell from 11.5 hours a week in 1920 to an hour and a half in 2014”.  

So what are we doing with the extra time and what other things take less time in a modern world?

Are we giving it to others?

Spending it on ourselves?

Are we learning, growing, helping?

Or are we bingeing, distracted by social media or playing games?

There is no doubt life has become easier, but are we using the valuable time better?

There’s a thought for today.

The “Be Kind to People” Pledge

My longtime friend Mike LaBauve shared a pledge from podcaster Harry Sleighel who was talking about the Be Kind People Project.

Here is their pledge that embodies the skills of kindness that I thought was worth passing along.

I Pledge To …

– Be Encouraging

– Be Supportive

– Be Positive

– Be Helpful

– Be Honest

– Be Considerate

– Be Thankful

– Be Responsible

– Be Respectful

– Be A Friend

Committing to Win

In sports you don’t take the field with the mindset that you’re afraid to lose.

It’s the opposite – you can’t wait to win.

But how many of us can’t wait to win in other areas of our lives?

Playing it safe, harboring doubts, being defensive will likely yield the same poor results off the field as they would on.

When you have a challenge, relish it.

Expect to win – or at least give 100% trying.

Learn from losses and move on to the next challenge.

Never fear losing, relish winning.

Striking Out

You go up to bat, take a few swings, try to get on base and if you don’t, you think about taking another shot at it next time up.

If you allow it to bother you, you could get into a slump.

If you try to get a hit every time at bat, you will never feel good about yourself because it is impossible.

A .250 hitter can earn millions.

Anticipate the next at-bat and try again.

Learn from mistakes.

Practice with a purpose.

Hope for a hit but don’t be discouraged by a miss.

Isn’t this also the game plan for a successful life?

Dogs Get Depressed When We Use Our Phones

They become more anxious and possibly become more depressed when their owners overuse their phones.

Philly veterinarian Dr. Alexander Collada explains it:

“Dogs do read body language, they read our eye contact … They read our facial expressions, so if we are on our phone and acting disinterested, and they’re looking for attention, it basically is ignoring your dog.”

Imagine how people feel.

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The evidence is in and multitasking is a myth.

You’re not smarter, more efficient or more productive by trying to do more than one thing simultaneously.

Overthink.  Overdo.  Add to the anxiety.

If this hasn’t become apparent, it soon will.

One step at a time.  One thing at a time.  Important stuff first.

The new reality is that it may actually be better not to do everything we can but to decide what few things we can do better.

More important than doing is deciding.

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Negative Thinking

It’s remarkable how easily most folks can rattle off what’s wrong with them but have a harder time articulating what’s good and right.

When we hang around more positive people, we become more positive but that is not always possible – in fact, sadly sometimes our negativity comes from families.

Another way to look at things is to balance off every negative thought with a positive one.

I didn’t get the job, but I did a good interview.

I wasn’t able to help my dear friend, but I was there for her.

I spend too much time working, but when I am home I am laser focused in the present. 

There is something positive out of every negative but is today the day we start looking for it?

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Cancer Is a Word — Not a Sentence

That is a quote from John Diamond.

October is breast cancer awareness month – a disease that affects millions of loved ones each year and thousands of men.

Here is more inspiration from the mouths of survivors.

  • “Once I overcame breast cancer, I wasn’t afraid of anything anymore.” — Melissa Etheridge
  • “It’s about focusing on the fight, not the fright.” — Robin Roberts
  • “And if it comes back, I’ll keep fighting.” — Nicole Kramer
  • “The only person who can save you is you.” — Sheryl Crow
  • “Breast cancer changes you, and the change can be beautiful.” — Jane Cook

Cancer surviors earn the gift of living life to the fullest by turning adversity into gratitude.

An $8,000 Tip

Perhaps you heard that Houston Rockets player Russell Westbrook left an $8,000 tip to the Disney hotel staff that has been helping NBA teams continue to play basketball safely in the bubble.

Other players likely left tips as well just not as large.

Westbrook’s got the money, but he’s also got the generosity because it doesn’t take a high figure talent to show gratitude.

And it doesn’t always take money.

A note, a word and a gift if you can afford it goes a long way to making others feel appreciated.

It’s a way of putting words into action and it’s a real-time reminder that as much as the tip was, the gratitude will be felt forever.