Permission Happiness

One of Seth Godin’s best books is Permission Marketing, a term he uses as a type of advertising that allows the consumer to opt-in to receiving promotional messages.

Happiness could take a page from Godin’s concept because it is available to all of us every day and yet it requires a similar opt-in.  We can reject it, remain unhappy, discouraged, without hope or we can choose a more productive path.

Opting-in is the key.

Harold Kushner wrote a book called When All You’ve Ever Wanted Isn’t Enough in which he mentioned the useless pursuit of happiness.  Being docile to it – allowing it to happen – is key.  Kushner’s compared the chasing happiness to trying to catch a butterfly – the more you chase it, the more it evades you but when you allow it to land, it is yours to enjoy.

Happiness is not an entitlement.  It’s a choice.

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The Need for Approval

A new study of children found that the strongest predictors of depression and anxiety are the perceptions that their parents are dissatisfied with them.

That feeling can be extended to adults as well – we’re all looking for approval and acceptance.

Now that the “Lost Year” is over and hope is beginning to replace despair, a thought for the day is find ways to say yes, to bolster and encourage others, to accept imperfections and replace them with hope.

Then, do the same thing for yourself.

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Difficult Conversations

If you assume that people think rationally, then you are likely to end up in an argument.

For difficult conversations, there are alternatives:

  • The use of facts usually blows up in our face because humans don’t think rationally.
  • When people feel threatened (and the facts can do that), they go into protection mode where ears close and mouths open (it’s actually a scientific fact that our brains essentially overheat).
  • It’s more effective to skip trying to win the argument. Make it all about sharing information and asking (and listening) what the other person feels.
  • Ask questions, don’t make statements. Communication of all types is fostered by those who learn to be skillful at asking questions and allowing others to see your point of view in their words not yours.

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The Success Guarantee

Most people don’t realize that success always happens if they don’t give up.

It never fails.

But we all have our number so the thing that determines whether we succeed or fail is how long we are willing to keep going to get to that number not how lucky we are.

Adversity truly teaches us what we are willing to go through to eventually prevail.

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Love People, Use Things (not the other way around)

“The General Social Survey, which has been measuring social trends among Americans every one or two years since 1972, shows a long-term, gradual decline in happiness—and rise in unhappiness—from 1988 to the present.” – Atlantic author Arthur C. Brooks.

Among Brooks’ observations:

  • We don’t get happier as society gets richer because we chase the wrong things.
  • We can resist advertising’s power over our minds: “Next time you are presented with the claim that this or that product will make you happy, channel your inner monk, and say five times, out loud: “This will not bring me satisfaction.”
  • “Government cannot bring happiness, but it can eliminate the sources of unhappiness” according to former speaker of the Danish Parliament Mogens Lykketoft – Danish people are among the world’s happiest.
  • The world encourages us to love thingsand use people. But that’s backward.

Put this on your fridge and try to live by it: Love people; use things.

More here.

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Becoming a Better Communicator

When the need to be heard is greater than the need to hear, communication has hit pause.

Talking more is communicating less.

That’s why meetings are dreaded except by those doing all the talking and why few can remember a lecture of any kind in which they have not first become engaged in the conversation.

Asking questions is the secret.

Listening to the responses will prompt more questions.

Not weighing in on your reaction to what you’re hearing is a top skill level.

And how do you know if you are becoming a better communicator?

How much of what you have just heard can you accurately remember?

The bar is low as we live in a talking culture so victory easily goes to the next person who tries.

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A Lesson in Love from Our Pets

Pets give love first and have it returned as a result.

They don’t demand that we pet them, feed or walk them or cuddle up on a sofa with them – the act of love precedes the love itself they receive.

When a dog wags its tail in happiness, it is not that they are demanding love, it’s the opposite – they are excited because they are going to get love by first giving it.

We can learn a lot about life from our pets who don’t judge, don’t text while they are interacting with us and exist to make others happy.

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Taking Back Control

As each day starts, we often have a game plan for how we are going to live it.

That is until others weigh in and try to influence or even live the lives of others.

Your very own personal life is like a canvas upon which you paint the picture of what you envision.

You wouldn’t let someone take your paint brush and commandeer your canvas to use their colors, their brush strokes and their design.

Our day today is very similar – it’s your canvas, no one gets to paint on it.

It’s not whether the final outcome is better or worse, it’s whether it is yours.

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Happiness Tips from Cave Dwellers

Cave dwellers constantly feared for their lives.

The fight, flight or freeze response in cave dwellers saved their lives from the danger of predators but it gives modern folks panic attacks, anxiety and worry.

A chat could set it off, something on social media, even an email or something ostensibly less threatening like the fear of missing on something.

The 3 big obstacles:

  1. Your brain feels others pain as your own.
  2. For your brain, imaginary is real.
  3. The brain can’t tell physical pain from emotional hurts – a broken heart and broken bone feel pain.

The 2-step solution:

  1. Your greatest joys come from seeing strangers as friends, that’s how the brain becomes happier.
  2. Help others feel safe and cherished and you will receive the same benefit.

Feeling safe and worthy becomes happiness.

The pursuit of gratitude and compassion provides more happiness than the pursuit of happiness itself.

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Fear is Useless

Fear is useless.

What is necessary is trust.

In ourselves.

To support each other.

To trust that things will get better.

Fear cannot exist where trust prevails.

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