- For all the problems we have this day, it is not today that is making us anxious.
- It’s what happened yesterday and the day before.
- And the fear of tomorrow.
- Now is the safest place to be.
Exceeding Your Potential
“Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!” – Anne Frank
- It doesn’t take a major retooling of the fine person we are to become better.
- It’s about remembering (and not forgetting) the power we have to exceed even our own expectations.
- Never forget your own power.
Burnout and Loneliness
- Rarely alone, often online and increasingly lonely according to a recent Wall Street Journal article about middle age moms that is applicable to all.
- Social media has both helped and hurt with dealing with burnout and loneliness during covid.
- Become an organizer and help others return to a normal life – walking, meeting, socializing in person.
- Using social media increases loneliness – here’s an Italian study.
- Staying busy, remaining positive and owning a problem that is in search of a solution is a strong way to relieve the pain of burnout and loneliness.
Rejection Correction
- What really hurts is not so much being turned down or turned away as much as being made to feel your contributions are not legitimate.
- I operate off of the batting average theory I mentioned here before: If I succeed one out of four times, I am hitting .250 (25%) and that’s not bad because no one bats 1.000 — ever.
- When faced with rejection, do not accept anything that makes your efforts feel not legitimate.
- No one rightfully can expect to live life or work at their career totally without rejection but it is our responsibility not to let anyone make our efforts feel illegitimate.
Technology Addiction
- If we’re being honest, we’re all addicted to technology – even schools encourage connecting young people at earlier ages than ever.
- It’s not the tech that is harmful but the balance of tech vs. real in person touch.
- In my Music in Media class at NYU we discussed the coming Apple Glass that will make augmented and perhaps someday virtual reality available to students in front of their face through glasses similar to how speed limits can now be projected on windshields of newer model cars.
- The point is technology rarely needs to be taught, but how to use it and manage it so that it doesn’t create other problems does.
Making Quick Work of Problems
- Every time you have a problem, you have a chance for success.
- Problems are not detriments, they are opportunities for those who know that when they arrive, your next victory has arrived.
A Minister for Loneliness
Did you know that back in 2018, the British prime minister at the time Theresa May appointed a minster for loneliness (Tracey Crouch) recognizing a serious problem that is rarely discussed and increasingly prevalent.
- A Harvard Business Review article in 2017 before covid posited that loneliness in the workplace needed to be addressed – read it here.
- Students and young people lock themselves in their rooms and turn to their mobile devices for relief but rarely find it.
- It’s not about meeting new people on the internet and making friends as it is a means to cope with problems and get motivational support.
- Know the difference between being alone and feeling alone: “Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone and solitude expresses the glory of being alone.”
Seeing the Finish Line
- Imagine running a 100-meter sprint and after you are first to cross the finish line you keep running.
- This is what makes so many people miserable – not recognizing when they have won.
- You see it with some salespeople who after they get a “yes” needlessly keep on selling.
- Knowing when you have won is every bit as important as knowing how to compete.
- When you arrive at your destination, enjoy it.
Fear Fighters
- Do the thing you fear to do and the fear will go away from you.
- Thought to put on repeat: 99% of what most people fear never happens.
- Fear thoughts are not active until we consciously or subconsciously activate them – you decide.
- What we fear is almost always worse than reality.
Free from the Stress of Others
- The mind is like a sponge, when a friend or an employer exposes it to their stress, it becomes our stress.
- Often people suffer more from the stress handed out by others than that which is generated by themselves.
- Solution: Train to ask the question what price are you willing to pay for stress and anxiety – deal with the things that you must, throw off the anxiety that others send your way.