Don’t Postpone Joy

Postponing joy can be terminal – agonize over the bad stuff, put off the good stuff.

And we all do it.

Some of my NYU colleagues and I have been working hard on putting together new courses that must then go through a long process of approval but the department head reminded us once the courses were approved to take some time and enjoy it.

I was already to go back to work on lesson plans but that reminder meant a lot.

Life is tough but when things go your way, don’t postpone the joy it brings.

The Gift That Makes People Addicted to You

It’s not Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or even TikTok, the current social media phenomenon.

It has nothing to do with anything you might say or do.

If you want people to be drawn to you, become a better listener.

It’s not taught in schools because only you can teach it to yourself.

Listen, question and summarize what you are hearing.

Ironically, it’s the listener not the talker who people like.

Before You Give Up

Stop and ask yourself where the most successful people in the world would have been if they stopped one step short of success.

Before you give up ask yourself this one question – how badly do I want it?

There you will find your motivation to proceed.

Needy No More

I am only needy when I choose to rely on someone else instead of first believing in myself.

Confidence Builders

Here are some in the arsenal of positivity quotes I focus on when I need an extra boost of confidence:

  • I earned the right to do it.
  • I didn’t get to where I am today without working hard for it.
  • I’m authentic and I’m going to prove it.
  • I’ve done it before and I can do it again.
  • I believe (Self-doubt kills more dreams than failure).
  • If I’m worried about how I may look, I’ll add a smile as the finishing touch.
  • Butterflies are normal, I’m not going to get rid of them, I’m going to get those butterflies to fly in formation.

The Most Valuable Word

  • Do you notice how often people say the word “right” today when explaining themselves or trying to convince you of something – “It’s the biggest problem of our time, right?”
  • No is the most valuable word in the dictionary because it gives us the courage it takes to say yes when we really mean it.

Finding More Time for Others

  • Often parents feel badly about not spending enough quality time with the kids so they increase the amount and not the quality and by quality, I mean person-to-person connection.
  • The amount of time you spend with people you really care about is irrelevant. It’s the time spent being present and 100% focused on them without distraction that matters most.

The Best Boss

Seth Godin has a different way of looking at yourself:

  • “If you had a manager that talked to you the way you talked to you, you’d quit. If you had a boss that wasted as much of your time as you do, they’d fire her. If an organization developed its employees as poorly as you are developing yourself, it would soon go under.”
  • The best way to become a better manager at home or at work is to be kind to yourself, invest in your potential and never doubt your confidence.

Putting the Brakes on Worry

  • Staying busy won’t eliminate every worry but it will slow them down.
  • There are two ways to put the brakes on worry – one is to get busy doing something for others that requires you to focus as much on them as possible.
  • The other way is to stay busy doing something you like that gets your mind off of the worry-of-the-moment so you can lose yourself in something all encompassing.
  • Time outs work – when they’re done with the focus on someone or something else, the benefit is the greatest.

Why Everything is Stressful

  • Too much work, too many things to do, too much multitasking.
  • Our lives have become one giant attempt to multitask and while doing multiple things at once is possible, it is also stressful.
  • Feeling overwhelmed doesn’t mean you can’t do it — it means you should find another way to do it or get to know our best friend – no.
  • We have more tools than ever to take on more things but now it’s time to get serious about prioritizing and living a less stressful life.
  • Stress is caused by others with an assist from ourselves.