When we set goals, we tend to set them in ways that will not help us accomplish them.
Save for a rainy day is not very sexy and most Americans do not have enough money when the rain begins.
Save for something specific in the next 6 months and you’re actually helping to pattern the habits you will need for the long term.
When we get a few extra bucks (and sometimes when we don’t), we tend to spend here and now instead of save for later – and that’s quite understandable.
But here are some solutions:
- Split any extra money in half – one part goes to the future, the other you can spend now.
- See vividly what money really buys – when I buy gas at the local Costco, I have figured I am saving enough to buy 30-50 shares of Apple (at about $100 a share). I love Apple and love to invest in it but that investment grows when I can see the gas savings at Costco.
- And here’s the big one. We spend our lives working our butts off often with little to show for it financially. So I take some of what I earn (or have earned in the past) and put it in a safe but productive investment that grows the money and pays me a dividend. I spend ALL of the dividend every year and since the principle keeps growing, there’s more to spend every year.
This isn’t brain surgery, I admit.
But setting intermediate goals in all areas of life (I just covered financial here today), guarantees you’ll stick to the plan.
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I too was fortunate enough to get a job while still in school and, while trying to do all things at once, fell asleep while running the Country Countdown show on Sunday morning. Same scenario, except my boss didn’t fire me….because he had done the exact same thing when he started in radio. Lucky me. Now, 20 years into my career, I’m glad he didn’t.