Kill Negative Thoughts Like This

For every negative thought that creeps into your mind to eat away at self-esteem, vow to also conjure up a countering positive thought.

15 negative thoughts during the day?

Then you’ll supply 15 countering positive things.

“I’m feeling very anxious.  I can’t get on that airplane” is balanced with “I flew 3 times last year and I did it”.

“I’m going to get fired” balanced with “I was picked out of all other candidates to get this job”.

“He or she is going to leave me” replaced with “I am very lovable”.

Bad things happen but the fear of bad things is what kills us and obliterates our self-esteem.

You know people who do this.

You may be one of them.

We all carry around negative thoughts and the more we let them occupy our minds unanswered, the more they define us and create further anxiety.

In the end, whatever you fear, you have probably already dealt with successfully in one way or another.

My favorite mantra is:  “I’ve done it before and I can do it again”.

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Fat Shaming

Do a Google search for fat shaming and 243,000 items will come up.

Haters tried to body shame Iggy Azalea so she shut down her Twitter account.

The best response I have seen lately is from the talented and beautiful singer Kelly Clarkson.

A British newspaper columnist said about Clarkson “Jesus, what happened to Kelly Clarkson? Did she eat all of her backing singers? Happily I have wide-screen”.

Clarkson when confronted with these public insults was unaware of them but added that the columnist didn’t know her.

But her response was textbook:  “I’ve just never cared what people think. It’s more if I’m happy and I’m confident and feeling good, that’s always been my thing. And more so now, since having a family — I don’t seek out any other acceptance.”

Body shaming of any kind is not acceptable in our world.

The best defense is to dismiss haters and stand up for yourself just the way you are.

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31 Ways To Like Yourself Better

Every day for a month, think of one thing you like about yourself.

It doesn’t have to be a big thing – just something different every day.

The process of doing this will begin to change patterns in the brain that bog us down with undue negativity.

The human mind left to wander will always focus on what’s wrong instead of what is right. It may go back to our hunter/gatherer days where danger doomed constantly but in modern society, the threats have changed from physical ones to psychological ones.

Jot down the one thing you like about yourself each day on a piece of paper or on your favorite digital device.

After 31 days you’ll be impressed about two things.

That you’re training yourself to look for positive things about you – not just thinking about it.

And how fine a person you are just the way you are – Mister Rogers was right.

To put an end to negative thinking and poor self-esteem, train yourself to find one thing each day that makes you proud to be you.

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When Winning Is the Wrong Thing

Did you hear about the two Tennessee girl’s basketball coaches who encouraged their teams to lose.

Hey, the Philadelphia 76ers among other pro basketball teams are being accused of the same thing, but high school girls?

Each teams incentive to lose was getting placed on the other side of the playoff bracket from a powerhouse school.  This so-called bracketology approach was pointed out by the coaches to the girls and apparently they got the message.

You’ve got to look at these two videos, you won’t believe it.

The girls intentionally missed 12 of 16 free throws.  The refs had enough when one girl was going to intentionally shoot at the wrong basket.

Fortunately, both teams were subsequently disqualified from the playoffs because of these shenanigans.

When did playing to win get to be not enough?

When did teaching impressionable young people to throw a game become acceptable?

Trying is winning.

Playing harder is winning.

Overcoming adversity is winning.

Knowing how to lose is rehearsing how to win tomorrow.

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When Are We Taking Too Many Photos?

As a child, I ran when someone came at me with a camera (maybe I felt I didn’t want to break it, eh?).

Because of technology I have so many pictures on my digital devices and on the cloud that I can hardly remember life without taking photos all day.

February 25th – the date of what would have been my father’s birthday – I wished that I had as many videos and pictures as I do of myself and other things that don’t matter as much.  My wife never met him.  It seems that by today’s standards, I hardly have enough pictures and videos to show her.  My dad and I both had dimples in our chin.  Oh well …

Vivid memories.

Photos are never bad – they are usually happy reminders.  I don’t think we can ever have too many, what about you?

Living in the present and not being on the lookout for our next Instagram moment is the one danger we must be aware of because in pursing the next social photo, we run the risk of not enjoying the moment and soaking it in.

Like life, it’s a balance.

My iPhone 6 has the second best camera that I’ve ever carried around.

The best is my imagination, which also records visions that are attached to feelings, and which can be as vividly recalled as a photo.

To take photos mindful of experiencing each vivid moment in real time – that’s my goal.

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Maybe it’s because of social media but does it seem that there are more haters than ever before?

If so, you’re not alone.

A hater wants to knock a person down.

They cannot find it in their hearts to be happy for a person so they find public ways to explore a flaw in that person.

Often these haters are people you never really think about.  It’s bad enough for older people but it is maddening for teens and young people.

So here is a secret for shutting haters down.

Give it 24 hours and do not react.

If you respond even once, you feed the monster.

This is why some battles go on for years because the parties never stop reacting to each other.

If it bothers you that what a hater says or does reflects on you, take some solace in the fact that most people are on to haters thanks to our social media connectivity.  So there is probably no need to defend yourself and bring on more hatred.

Never let anyone program what you think of yourself.  Your head is off limits to others.  Only you are allowed in to your head.

Hit delete on haters.

Or as Taylor Swift advises – shake it off.

And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate

Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake

Shake it off

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Are You A Dreamer?

A dream is a cherished aspiration or ideal.

A dreamer is a person with hope.

A schemer is one who actively or passively discourages someone’s dream.

When we are driven by our dreams, good things happen.

When we abandon them, something seems to be missing.

No person should ever discourage another’s dream.

Every dream is worth pursing.

Once, when speaking to a group of college students, a young man stood up and said that he wanted to be a musician but his father discouraged him saying it was a pipe dream.  He asked, “When do you know to move on from a dream?”

My response:  You will know if you listen to yourself.  Sometimes we never abandon our dreams and hopes.  And sometimes, we let them go when are ready.

In any case, we are always better off for having desired that which sometimes seems so unattainable.

What is life without great hope?

Let us vow to never let go of our dreams before we’re ready and never utter a word of discouragement to others who look to all that is possible in life.

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How To Get Someone To Stop Texting

If Dale Carnegie is right about one more thing, I don’t know what I’m going to do.

Dead for over 50 years, this unique human being and author of How To Win Friends & Influence People never goes out of style even if the stories he tells in his book are a little long in the tooth.

“Ask questions instead of giving direct orders”.

A study published in the September Journal of Experimental Psychology involved 9,000 commuters on the Bay Area Rapid Transit.

They tried two different signs to see which one would make the commuters take the stairs.

One sign contained a question that said, “Stair climbing improves your health. Will you take the stairs?”

The other sign was a command that said, “Stair climbing improves health. Take the stairs”.

The command got a more immediate impact.

Asking for cooperation got the best long-term cooperation.

Different types of communication are appropriate for different situations.

In general if we want to win cooperation, it is better to ask for it.

Take it to the USC classroom where I started each semester by pulling my iPhone out of my pocket and saying, “Would you mind if I left my phone on? I won’t take calls or answer texts while I’m teaching unless it’s urgent. Will you do the same for me?”

I never had a problem – ever – with a rude student on their digital devices.

So they could answer a text, but applied judgment.

They could step out and answer a call if they deemed it necessary. Usually, they didn’t.

Instead by asking for cooperation, you usually get it.

So I’m glad to see more research evidence and thought you’d like to know about it.

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They’re Even Bullying Supermodels Now

Take Kendall Jenner, the beautiful model from the Kardashian family.

Two other models took exception to the way she looked while having her hair done for the Donna Karan show during New York Fashion Week recently.

One sarcastically said, “she’s never looked better” with a laughing emoji.

Another said, “That’s f*cked up” with more laughing emojis.

Look at the picture.  You be the judge.

KJennerThe Ford Agency that represented one of the bullies walked it back as a silly comment but only after it went viral as some kind of damage control.

Kendall Jenner has been the target of many bullying attempts that goes to show that even the beautiful are made to feel ugly by not so nice people.

How bad is cyberbullying?

When I was in high school, one guy always used to call me a “bucked teeth duck” every time he saw me – in the hall on the way to class, or walking into class in front of everyone.

It was bad enough to deal with his hurtful comments then just at school.  I can only imagine what it would have been like to have that comment reverberating all over social media.

By the way, I ran into this bully at a class reunion.  We did not speak.

I just smiled so he could see my beautiful white television-ready veneers.

Where is social media when I need it?

The scourge of this great social media revolution is haters and bullies who use something good to hurt people from the safety of their digital devices.

Then, like now, the answer is to push them back.  A bully always runs.

The best revenge is living well and being happy.

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Cindy Crawford Did More For Body Image With This Photo

The 48-year-old wife, mother and supermodel allowed this photo shoot image of herself in a bikini to be seen unretouched.

People in Hollywood know that lighting and makeup are an actor or actresses’ best friends.  They are, after all, human and look like humans most other times.  But while they are sensitive to how they look in their profession, our society is too fixated on looks all the time.

Cindy Crawford

That’s why Cindy Crawford allowed her real tummy to show.

I wish I could give the same compliments to Marie Claire magazine, the publication that now stands by the photo.  But someone other than Marie Claire leaked it.  What’s important is that Cindy Crawford stands by it and that’s the right thing to do.

It’s okay to have a belly that jiggles.

Dimples and reminders of childbirth.

Today a lot more women are proud of their bodies because Cindy Crawford is proud of hers.

We can keep it going.

This is a lesson worth learning and teaching to those who look to us for guidance about how to be authentic in more than just words.

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