60 percent of pedestrians are distracted when walking usually because of their cellphone.
These people – or should I say we – are populating emergency rooms because they are being hit by cars.
The number of pedestrians hit by vehicles while they are walking and talking or looking at their cellphones has grown six-fold.
Surprise: half the injuries occurred to deadwalkers while walking and talking in their homes.
More than two-thirds of the injured are women.
Half were under 40.
77% of us think it’s okay to be a deadwalker according to a recent Pew study.
All of this gives me an opportunity to say our phones are devices that enhance our lives but when we let them take us out of the present more than just getting into an accident can occur.
We miss out on life.
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“To love and be loved”.
I was taught that as a youth by the Nat Cole song “Nature Boy.”