Great Awakening

In a new study, the average parent spends more time on their devices (5 hours) than they do with their kids (4 hours).

But wait, it’s not hopeless

  • It’s not the number of hours a day, it’s the number of hours focused one-on-one with children that matters most (ask them).
  • Parents can do outdoor activities when possible and other things and set a good example by turning the phone off or putting it away.
  • My NYU classes stow their phones and they are so focused on what’s going on that they are becoming true believers that eliminating digital distractions can help them.

There will be many more scary research reports on the deleterious effect of phones but giving them up is not as important as adding more one-on-one time, and that is a gift.

Grateful Meditation

A different way to meditate is to clear your mind of everything and think of the things and people you are grateful for.

  • Start with a minute (I do it in the shower).
  • Think of things and people who you are fortunate enough to have in your life – at that moment and for what they did previously.
  • When the mind wanders to you and your current problems, direct them back to who and what you are grateful for.
  • It’s not about big things – it’s the little ones as well. The parking lot attendant that takes special care of you and greets you with a warm welcome.
  • It can include touchy issues like broken relationships you are happy to move on from or even a disease that you are fighting to overcome.

Grateful mediation will leave you feeling happier and more relaxed – a good use of time that requires no learning curve.

Jimmy Buffett on Staying Young

“Well, I have learned one thing from my latest in a series of the ever-appearing speed bumps of life — 75 is NOT the new 50” — Jimmy Buffett to New York Times writer Maureen Dowd.

  • “Thinking younger doesn’t quite do it. You still have to do the hard work of, as the Toby Keith song says, ‘Don’t let the old man in.’ And that is my job now, the way I see it.”

It’s work.  A Plan.  The ability to finish.  Start again when you fail.

  • Age alone does not define a person’s age – their ability to “do the hard work” does and that applies to all ages from young to old.

Expectations of Others

  • Many of my NYU students this new semester are battling the fine balance between pursuing their life happiness and making their parents happy – it’s not just an adolescent problem.
  • Non-students have the same issues as close friends, work associates and even family can cause stress of moving forward.
  • Think if it like this – you are flying the plane, those who matter to you in life are giving advice – in the end, it’s rightfully your decision.
  • When I told my dad I didn’t want to go to college and wanted to be radio dj, he said “you’re going to college” and will be the smartest dj on the air.
  • In the end, I took his advice and never looked back – after all, it was my decision to make, he was my advisor.
  • Trying to please others is another way to guarantee unhappiness – the person who needs to be pleased is you and any doubters will become believers the moment you believe.

Bully Busting

  • I’m excited, classes are underway at NYU and this fall in my Stress-free Living and Working in the Music Industry class, my friend Les Garland (onetime programmer of MTV), is bringing his latest discovery to class – Stella Mabry.
  • She’s 14 and has utilized her interest in song writing and performing to strike back against the “Mean Girl” who bullied her.
  • She will be a hit with young students who have to deal with unprecedented social media bullying head on.
  • There are many ways to fight back against bullies. Stella’s approach is to channel her anxiety into doing the common good which inspires others.
  • Here is Stella’s video.

Others Rub Off on Us

  • In nature, we become like the people who surround us.
  • For animals, often they blend in with their environment for safety reasons and to avoid larger predators – as evidenced by any rattlesnake on Camelback mountain – they blend in.
  • Environment matters – people who are raised on manners tend to be more courteous, children of good listeners tend to listen to others in their conversations.
  • That’s why it’s imperative that we seek out and nurture relationships with people with whom we share common values.
  • It’s not necessary to be around people with your exact same personality just ones that value what you do.
  • Empowerment comes from people who share common values.

What’s Your Q-Score?

  • Q Score is how the entertainment industry measures consumer appeal for performers, among other things.
  • The higher the Q Score, the more highly regarded the person is to the general public.
  • This is not just a popularity contest because one can be popular without being highly regarded – it’s a means of judging who has credibility that influences.
  • It comes down to whether others have a positive opinion of you.
  • I have often wondered what would happen if non-performers could test their own Q Scores.
  • The best way to assure you remain highly regarded is to focus on being authentic as authenticity is the salve that helps make modern society work.

The Most Important Person in Your Life

Who is the most important person in your life?

Have you told them lately?

If words aren’t your thing, actions work well.

Even if they are no longer with you, say it out loud.

The odd thing is when you empower someone by showing immense gratitude you empower yourself – every time.

The world is being numbed by digital devices and social media where in-person interaction is strained.

Look them in the eye and tell them that they are the most important person to you.

Continue being the fine person you are.

The Secret to Resilience

You win some, you lose some.

You never win everything and even though it sometimes feels like it your losing streak does not last forever.

Truth is what goes up will go down which is why life is like a roller coaster.

You can’t stop the highs and lows but you can learn to ride them better knowing that life isn’t one winning (or losing) streak.

To build resilience when times are tough, never lose sight of the next high.

Be the fine person you are.

Better Decisions

Don’t blame yourself for bad decisions.

No one is perfect.

You will never meet a person who has made all the right choices.

We learn from our mistakes.

There is no need to punish yourself twice.

Embrace the things you do right.

Be the fine person you are.