4 Words That Make People Respect You

They don’t respect someone who is perfect.

Who thinks they are always right.

Who makes them feel envious or jealous.

Who knows everything.

In our world now, people respect authenticity.  People who seem real even if they are a bit odd or imperfect.

That is why being vulnerable is real and has real benefits.

Here are the four words you should use more often that will make others respect you:

“I made a mistake”

The only thing worse than being wrong is always being right.

It’s not believable and it’s not possible.

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Taking five or ten minutes at the beginning or end of each day, can transform your life, reduce stress and make you happier and more productive.

I saw a British study in the Harvard Business Review in which commuters who were encouraged through text messages to plan their upcoming day were happier, less burned-out and more productive than a similar group who did not do pre-planning.

All of us complain about feeling too stress. Here’s a way to reduce it:

  • Take five to fifteen minutes at the beginning or end of the day to think about the day ahead or how the current day went.
  • Reserve this time the same way you would set aside time for a project or meeting.
  • As the Harvard study suggested, even thinking about the day ahead or just concluded in a positive reflective way (say on the commute home), can be as beneficial.
  • A short investment in time is like a play from the sidelines sent in by the coach to tell the quarterback what to do next. Just doing without thinking about it is stress we can eliminate and now there is research to back it.

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  • Fantastic advice, Jerry, and when I’ve done this it really does help.  Being the best “wordsmith” I know, did you purposely use “stress” in this connotation instead of “stressed” as most people use it?  I ask since so many words are used totally out of proper content these days such as “issues.”  Thanks!

How to Keep Expectations Under Control

Keep your expectations low and your motivation high for the best possible outcome.

When it is the other way around, disappointment from not achieving our goals soon derails our hopes and chips away at our ability to sustain the motivation needed to achieve our original goals.

Dash those expectations if you want to remain happy and productive.

And if you want to have high expectations about anything, make it about your ability to maintain a high level of motivation under all circumstances.

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Oprah’s Diet

Yesterday Oprah tweeted that she lost 26 pounds while eating bread every day on Weight Watchers.

That one tweet drove Weight Watcher’s stock up so much that Winfrey, who owns 10% of the company, made $12.5 million in one day.

All good.

But on the same day, a little noticed story on Huffington Post about a mom who defended her daughter from a Dillard’s salesperson who wanted her to use Spanx to reign in her figure popped up with an ad for none other than Weight Watchers.

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Her mother told the world and the salesperson in a tweet that “she did not need you telling her that she is not perfect”.

In one example, dieting gets us to perfection and in another the use of body control shape wear does it with a big fat ad for a weight loss program in the middle of a story about body image.


And therein lies the problem.

There is no perfect and there doesn’t need to be.

We come in all shapes and sizes and that is just fine.

Instead of dieting and shape wear alone, we could use some self-love and teach it to others.

When we love the body we have, we are truly attractive starting from the inside and it costs us nothing.

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Play Dates

The rage among parents is to set up play dates for their young children as a social component of their children’s lives as well as a lifeline for theirs.

There is a support group in the community in which we live in suburban New Jersey devoted to parenting issues such as these.  Perhaps you have something similar where you live.

Well, here’s a news bulletin — adults need play dates, too.

When I was on-the-air in radio and TV, I cannot remember any of what I did feeling like work.  But today, in a consolidated media industry that is virtually run by hedge funds and investment banks, undertakers are having more fun.  Employers are more concerned with efficiency of scale rather than happy and productive people.

My favorite professor in college had us laughing so hard we didn’t think he even had a lesson plan but it worked so well I adopted the same approach when I was appointed a professor of Music Industry at the University of Southern California.

Play stimulates creativity, which is why even a day at the beach can get the creative juices flowing again.

Clowning around is not clowning – it’s stress relief.

Don’t think you can do it?

Remember what your face must have looked like when your toddler was working their way through the terrible twos.

Just reading this isn’t going to change much for us, but prioritizing play – even (and especially) at work is the secret sauce that is missing from our stressful lives these days.

The more serious our business and personal life, the more unhappy it tends to be.

Ironically, the more playful we are at living our lives all day long, the more serious we are about productive business and personal happiness.

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When Good Is Not Good Enough

When you succeed and it still doesn’t feel like a victory.

When you endure even though others would have given up.

When you believe in others and not yourself.

Where a life well lived feels like it just still isn’t enough.

When we look for affirmations from our parents even when we’re now an adult.

Believing we’re good enough is not a feeling.

It’s a conviction.

A decision.

Make the decision today that you will no longer harbor any thoughts that you’re not good enough.  It’s fine to want to be better but we are wasting our lives looking for that which we have already achieved.

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The All-Star Who Was Sent To The Minors

Phoenix Coyotes fighter John Scott was voted by the power of social media to this years NHL all-star game.

The league thought they would let the fans decide who deserved to play but Scott who hardly ever scores and was traded recently then shipped to the minors polled big time.

There was so much pressure on the NHL to include him that they found a way to get Scott back to the majors just for the game. Meanwhile Scott has played the good solider and said all the right things.

Some observations:

  • If you’re not ready to have social media influence your decisions, don’t use it.
  • Obviously Scott (a fan favorite in Phoenix) is not fast enough or good enough to play with the other all-stars but today average fans think differently about what a star is.
  • People like authenticity. Scott is old school. Sticks up for his players and as mean as he is on the ice, he’s that nice off.
  • The most talent does not mean as much to the changing fan base as it does to sports leagues.

For the rest of us, the takeaway may be that heart matters as much if not more than talent.

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The First Woman Football Coach

The Buffalo Bills named Kathryn Smith as the full-time NFL female assistant coach yesterday.

This is a big, meaningful victory for men as well as women and for all of us who are parents and want to see equality across the board in sports.

This is also a big victory for the federal program known as Title IX, which prohibits discrimination based on sex in any federally funded education program or activity.

Young men have grown up watching their sisters succeed on their own in sports and the world and NFL is ready for bending the gender barrier further.

A victory for young children who now have another female role model to look up to.

When feminism was at its height, my sister said to me something I obviously never forgot:  Equal rights are the best thing to ever happen to men.  It frees men to be part of the solution.

So if you have a mother, a wife, a sister or child, root for Kathryn Smith and all the many other women who will make sports more diverse and therefore better.

And the NFL – no dummies – is on the sidelines encouraging this metamorphosis because 45% of their fan base is women.

Now they have something real to cheer about.

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Compassion To Yourself

This is just as important as compassion to others because we are fallible human beings – we make mistakes, we are not perfect.

But so do others.

They make mistakes that make them less than perfect.

The best way I have ever heard of showing compassion to yourself is from Amit Sood, MD who says “Look at yourself with the eyes of the person who loves you the most.”

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The Gradual Loss of Self-Confidence

When things are going great, it doesn’t take much to feel good about yourself.

But when faced with adversity, it is human to see gradual erosion in self-confidence.

You know, we still feel fine and can handle our jobs and lives but we just don’t feel like we have an abundance of confidence.

  • Look out for self-damaging statements like “I screwed up (blank)” or “I didn’t (blank)”.
  • When words like “didn’t”, “couldn’t” and their relatives “don’t” and “can’t” start coming out of our mouths, take notice and stop them in mid sentence.
  • My theory is – why should we contribute to knocking ourselves down.  Life is tough enough without us heaping on more insults in our own direction.
  • Reject negative comments or projections aimed at you by others.  Untended, these comments can contribute to a critical loss of self-esteem.
  • Build confidence around a feeling of well-being not based on the premise that everything we do must succeed.  Example:  “I will out work anyone”.  “No one cares more than I do”.  “In a tough situation, I want me to handle things”.  When we build self-esteem through truisms about our motivation and conviction to succeed and not on how things are going lately, we can maintain the highest level of self-confidence at all times.

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