
Forgiveness should be the easiest thing we ever do, but it is often the reverse.

Forgiveness is the gift we give to ourselves.

And the reason that it should be easy for us to forgive is because we are all fallible human beings.  In other words, I can safely say we all need forgiving from time to time.

It becomes difficult when hyper-emotions are involved.

Being Italian I can share horror stories (that some of you may be able to second) where decades go by without people dealing with the issues that come between them.

When I was a young boy attending my first family funeral, I can still picture one of my relatives throwing herself on the dead body in the casket of a person with whom she harbored an ongoing contentious relationship only to be restrained by several attendants.  (I’m still damaged by that virtual video in my brain).

We can forgive even when the other person is not interested in receiving it – we just do it and feel free.

We can forgive without conditions when another person seeks it because, as Dr. Amit Sood says, all of us are vulnerable to ignorant thoughts.

But most importantly, forgiveness is the gift we give ourselves and others for being human – without conditions.

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The Only Known Formula For Increasing Happiness

Rabbi Harold Kushner is known for his bestselling book When Bad Things Happen To Good People but the book he wrote that I value above all is titled When All You’ve Ever Wanted Isn’t Enough.

In it, he suggests that finding happiness is like a butterfly.

The more you pursue it, the more it eludes you.

That’s why we cannot write “be happier” on a list of things to do because happiness is a byproduct of doing something else.

Recently in Glendale, AZ two teenagers killed themselves on the campus of their high school in what was reported to be a murder/suicide pact. They had so much to live for in their young lives and they have left their friends and families devastated.

We have so much in this world and yet somehow it feels so empty to many of us. We are always searching for a life that matters.

The pursuit of happiness does not produce happiness.

It does not make problems go away.

There is no known formula to be a happier person other than this.

Gratitude, meaning to be grateful for even the aches and pains of life not just all the benefits.

Compassion, meaning trying to understand the feelings of others even when they disagree with us or hurt us.

The pursuit of gratitude and compassion gives happiness.

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This Is The Friend We All Wish We Had

When Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died, the news media covered the death itself, the political angle as it pertains to the presidential election and the governance aspects in a divided court.

Scalia was a staunch conservative and over decades helped transform the Supreme Court by tipping the scale to a non-liberal agenda on some issues.

The story that may have gotten lost was the very close friendship between Scalia’s opposite on the court – Ruth Bader Ginsburg in a relationship considered “the odd couple”.

But it was what they had in common including their love of opera that prompted her to call Scalia one of her “best buddies”.

The love was returned as Scalia in tribute to his fiend called her “the high court’s counterweight”.  Remember now, we live in a divisive world especially in politics and government.

Scalia made it even more real when he said, “What only her colleagues know is that her suggestions improve the opinions the rest of us write, and that she is a source of collegiality and good judgment in all our work.”

Ginsburg said, “I disagreed with most of what he said, but  I loved the way he said it”.

Years ago, Scalia named Ginsburg as the person with whom he would want to be stranded on a desert island.

Scalia once wrote a scathing dissenting opinion and then serenaded Ginsburg with his rendition of Bob Dylan’s “The Times They Are A Changin”.

It was Ginsburg who once said “”I love him, but sometimes I’d like to strangle him”.

It is easy to be friends when you have everything in common and no points of disagreement.

But to be loved for who you are and not whether you agree with each other is the friend we wish we all had.

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  • Remarkable story. Thanks for sharing, Jerry.

The Cure For a Narcissist

Ironically, the cure for narcissism is having a healthy love of self.

Narcissists have an unhealthy craving for improved self-esteem.

A 2010 study in the journal of Social Psychological and Personality Science reports that the percentage of college students exhibiting a narcissistic personality has increased by 30% since the early 1980s.

Narcissists are less honest, more aggressive. They spend a lot of time primping on social media sites like Instagram.

We cannot do much to motivate others from abandoning self-absorption but there is plenty we can do to stay far away from it.

  • Develop a healthy self-love and acceptance for you as you are.
  • Connect in real time with others in settings where you can also monitor their reactions (face to face, for example).
  • Avoid the use of the words “I” or “me”. Isn’t it amazing how many narcissists continually use these words without a red flag popping up to indicate that they’ve indulged themselves enough.
  • Separate from social media – use it cautiously because it quickly becomes a wasteland for users and sadly, most don’t even know it.
  • Do not try to impress others.

I hate to say this but Dale Carnegie’s How To Win Friends and Influence People still ranks in the top 30 books according to Kindle sales even though the stories are outdated and the writing style would turn off a Millennial.

But it can be boiled down to this — seeing things from the other persons point of view is your insurance policy against being a narcissist. 

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Having It All

You can’t have it all without paying the price for all of it.

But often, having it all is not worth it.

A stay at home parent pays the price at work.

Ted Koppel stopped his ABC News career to raise his kids in a day when that was considered weird but when they grew up he returned to his broadcasting career and became famous for his “Nightline” TV series.

He paid a price and got a gain.

Not everyone has to be a parent.

Not everyone has to be a successful entrepreneur.

The solution to having it all is checking in with yourself two, three, four times a day to get accustomed to being in touch with what you really want – what matters.

Here is Amy Westervelt’s article on the myth of having it all that may hit home.

In the end, having it all is what’s right for you not anyone or everyone else.  If you know what you truly want, then you will be prepared to pay the price for being truly happy.

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  • The article is raw and crudely written but does make the point.  

    Farther down the line, a woman who leaves a successful career to take care of dying parents is often punished by her superiors and/or peers, frequently other women.  As a news anchor I was passed over for assignments and advancement because the assumption was that caring for my mother and stepfather would preclude arranging time to both work, expand and embrace more professional challenges even when doing both would not impinge on the quality given my parents or performance on the job.  

    After the parents are gone the stigma lives on, time has passed, technology has advanced, we are older and considered “dated”.  Oh, and let’s not forget the job interviews with 30 year olds who, in the course of the interview observe, “You remind me of my mother.”  Ok, kiss that one goodbye.

    Would I make the same sacrifices again?  Of course.  Love comes before personal profit, conscience before fleeting status.  Whether raising children or caring for aged parents, we all get one pass, one chance to make a decision for life.


The author Scott Peck who wrote The Road Less Traveled started the book with the words “life is difficult”.

But most of us, most of the time handle adversity pretty well.

We don’t always give ourselves credit for it, but we do.

There are times in life when we are faced with trouble that is more than we can handle – the death of a loved one, the loss of a relationship, financial or career problems, loneliness and depression – when we could use a little added help.

Take working in a job you love but for and/or with people you don’t like.  That’s what Cumulus Media discovered when it surveyed its employees six months ago only to discover they overwhelmingly liked their jobs but hated the company they worked for.

When faced with adversity …

  • Keep remembering the majority of times you have successfully navigated through tough times – it’s important not to forget our successes.
  • Ask, what is my goal?  Is it to survive a hostile workplace or, in the case of, say, loneliness, is it to find a special person to share your life?  Often we don’t know specifically what the cure is because we are not quite accurate about the problem.
  • Be watchful of your friends, family and associates while going through these difficult stretches.
  • Finally, facing adversity may not be pleasant but it is personally transformational.  We become better, happier, more appreciative after standing up to tough situations.

Adversity introduces a person to him or herself and to those around them.

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Temper Problems

We all lose it from time to time – some more than others, but even the Pope the other day lost his cool when crowds in Mexico pushed him into the wheelchair of an handicapped admirer.  He shouted back, “don’t be so selfish”.

When we lose it, a time out needs to be called immediately.  The longer we wait, the harder it is to walk away until more damage is done.

But when we become the object of someone else’s bad temper, two important things:

  • Remove yourself from the abuse as fast as you can.  Never stand for abuse of any kind for any reason.
  • Try to give empathy. It’s hard to do but very effective.  For example, as the ill-tempered person starts their rage, we silently say, “I feel awful for that person for having to be so out of control and so hurtful”.

Here’s the magic.

Just giving an expression of empathy for even just a few seconds often prevents rebound yelling – you know, where someone attacked you and you wound up attacking them even though it was not your fight.

We’re fallible and we live in an imperfect world but we don’t have to let someone have at us or provoke us to do the same to them.

It’s a decision and it’s in our hands.

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Fear Thoughts

 We human beings were not designed for the multitasking and the stressful world we live in today.

Our hunter/gatherer predecessors had to worry about animals attacking their camp and threatening their families.

We live in a different world today where we don’t fear a lion attacking us around the campfire as much as we do failure, social situations, stressful living and living up to expectations.

Knowing this, we can get a grasp on our fears by understanding that most of them will never be realized.

We are wasting our time and emotional well-being by fearing that which will never happen.

When the fear persists anyway, ask yourself what is the likelihood of this happening to me?

In fact, once we get into the worry habit, we’re not actually sure of what we are worried about. We’re just worried in general.

Spit in the face of fear.

Do the things you fear to do and the fear will go away from you.

Seriously, we worry about worry.

Ask yourself what is the worst that can happen and then go on and do it anyway.

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Killing Your Next Presentation

  • Arrive early and engage those attending your presentation.  In other words, put them at ease one on one and they will pull for you while you speak.
  • Start promptly, don’t wait for your audience to quiet down.  End promptly, never go longer and avoid overstaying your welcome.
  • Seriously reconsider the use of PowerPoint slides and limit them to topics that must be graphically explained.   Audiences hate slides.
  • Encourage or at least be open to two-way input.
  • Don’t get hung up because audiences are on their phones texting and answering email.  Your job is to startle them, awaken them, and make them listen.  In a recent presentation when I was losing my audience to their smartphones I said to myself “say something that makes them want to put their phones down”.  One thing is, “I’m going to go around the room and ask for your thoughts on …”.  They’ll wake up.
  • State what the goal of your presentation is and end by summarizing how you accomplished your goal.
  • Avoid humor unless you are really funny.  Aim for being authentic.  Have the courage to be yourself because that always works best.
  • Before beginning remember that you have earned the right to present on this topic so command the room.
  • Engage the audience after your presentation and listen to them one-by-one.  This is where they get to ask questions or comment.  You listen.
  • Always give yourself an “A” for completing a presentation in this way.  Never think of ways you could have been better until you take a night to give yourself credit for all you did that was right.

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What’s More Important Than the 10,000-Hour Success Rule

Malcolm Gladwell posits that 10,000 hours of focused practice is what it takes to master success in any venture.

But some things are even more important than the gross number of hours spent chipping way at success.

  • Practicing with a purpose, for example.  Nothing is worse than practicing the wrong things.
  • Rote practice can block out the creativity necessary to help morph ideas and concepts to fruition.  Be careful not to lose your ability to think creatively.
  • I don’t know about you but resigning myself to 10,000 hours of work to achieve my goals is not enough without being able to see those goals vividly in my mind’s eye – in color, in bright examples of why you’re making these sacrifices.
  • Unfortunately, money is the worst motivator.  Hard to believe, but true.  People who achieve success can make money – lots of it – but not without a greater purpose such as gaining something that has no economic value in it on its face (best teacher, best writer, best entrepreneur your field, etc.).

In a New York Times article entitled “How To Raise a Creative Child” author Adam Grant reminds us that Einstein said, “the theory of relativity occurred to me by intuition and music is the driving force behind this intuition”.

We succeed by pursing our passions and dreams not by “becoming an ambitious robot”.

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