
Paying attention focused on the present moment in a non-judgmental way is the essence of mindfulness.

I attended a mindfulness seminar once and didn’t last 30 minutes before I raised my hand and admitted I have tried it and I cannot do it.

Surprisingly, many others then chimed in and admitted the same thing.

Mindfulness does not have to mean meditation if you cannot or do want to meditate.

This was empowering and here’s what I have discovered since that seminar two years ago.

  • Being mindful can be as simple as leaning forward and looking another person in the eye while they talk and you listen.
  • Or turning off digital devices and rejoining the world.  You may blame Millennials for losing themselves in their digital devices but, really, everyone does it today.  A conscious decision on when to go digital and when to go analog (so to speak) aids practical mindfulness.
  • Not having an opinion right away encourages mindfulness.  Full confession: this one is going to kill me.  But, I have seen progress.  I have begun to learn how to delay judgmental responses long enough to actually be able to repeat in my mind what the other person is saying.  Previously, I jumped in, interrupted or laid in wait to give my take.

What I learned from the seminar was just trying to be mindful in ways like I have discovered above, is mindfulness that actually works and everyone can do it.

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Confronting the Fear of Failure

I love to speak to audiences and rarely if ever do I lack the confidence to get up before a crowd.

But once in addressing a music industry conference, I was suddenly surprised to be struck with fear.

It wasn’t the size of the group that was estimated to be 800 – it was the speaker who preceded me.

He was one of the best I have ever heard and he had the audience in the palm of his hands.  I was so rattled, I stepped out from backstage to the auditorium to view his expert talk the way the audience was obviously enjoying it.

What I learned that day not only saved the day for me.  I made it one of the tenants that I now hold dear to confront the fear of failure.

Would you like to know what I told myself?

“Jerry, you have earned the right to be here.  Only you could talk about this topic.  The group doesn’t want to hear one good talk, they want to hear two”.

And with that I returned backstage to await my introduction, but before I said a word, I stood at the podium in silence for a few seconds looking left, right and center as if to gather my listeners in while saying to myself “you have earned the right to be speaking”.

Fear of failure is useless.

It is 100% always self-inflicted.

Fear of failure can be cured by thinking of yourself as bringing a special gift to the audience and you will never let them down.

By the way, this approach works in presentations, one-on-one meetings and even in the privacy of your own mind when unwanted negativity creeps in.

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A PowerPoint Presentation That Will Change Your Life

 My music industry students at USC used to beg me not to use PowerPoint which I define as the only thing that can put a student with two lattes in them right to sleep.

I always heeded their advice instead putting my notes online to those who actually attended each class.

I have toyed with PowerPoint at my media conferences and have concluded, they hate them too.

But I promised you the PowerPoint presentation that will change your life.

And it is the one I make vividly in my own mind many times a day when I review “slides” of things I want to do and want to accomplish.

  • Why am I working today? I slap a slide up in my peripheral vision that has no words only a picture of say – a vacation in Vermont’s mountains. Warning: a dollar sign will not motivate you no matter how badly you need money.
  • Who do I want to be? My father was one of the most honest people I have ever met. A straight arrow. Guess what flashing a picture of my dad in his military uniform in the memory of my mind does to me?
  • What’s my biggest gift? No, not to crow about it but to use it. So if you are good with people, why not use that gift, for example, to help them break the ice?
  • What’s my biggest challenge? I have a few personal ones I hope to share with you one day soon but I can tell you now that dissolving to a slide with an image that represents that challenge helps bolster me for it.
  • And what do I fear the most? I could probably do 50 slides on this one but just to focus on the one that comes to mind first as I write this – the fear of not being relevant. Once I see the slide, it opens my mind, motivates me to pay a price and directs me to a place where I can attain my goal. The next time, another fear will rise to the surface and I will give it the same treatment.
  • Add a few of your own slides here. Try it if you like. Seeing the life you have, the life you fear and yes, the life you want in a daily slideshow of the mind is so powerful I’ll bet you share it with someone you care about.

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Thing Problems vs. People Problems

Thing problems:

Your car broke down, you lost your job, you have to have an operation, someone broke into your house and robbed you and the worst possible scenario – your phone fell in the toilet.

People problems:

A divorce, visiting children on the weekend, having someone stab you in the back, not getting the raise and/or promotion or being shamed or bullied.

Thing problems – as bad or inconvenient as they are – are better than people problems.

People problems are the worst because there is never a tangible solution and often emotions come into play to foul up or complicate matters.

But both people problems and thing problems are solved the same way.

  1. Get the facts.
  2. Weight the facts.
  3. Do not avoid the problem, dive in and solve it.
  4. Identify your goal and pursue it.

So that broken phone, won’t work.  You’ve tested it.  And now you try to recall whether you have AppleCare or not.  You decide when you’re going to make a trip to the Apple Store to get them to fix it or replace it.  Eventually, you’re back on Instagram again.

But if you’re being bullied or fat-shamed, emotions make it harder to use the formula above that always works.

But persist.

You will channel your hurt and anger into power.  Push back against bully-shamers and commit to not avoiding this as painful as it may be but confronting it.  You identify your goal as stopping the personal abuse and reinforcing the good feelings you have about yourself.

My best friend use to say to me, “JD, thank God that’s a thing problem” at which point I learned to love flat tires or missed flights.

But people problems deserve the same well thought out plan to solve them even though they are usually complicated by emotions. 

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Suffering hurts.

No one wants to suffer.

We hate to see our loved ones suffer.

Yet suffering is transformational.

It brings us from pain to pleasure.

From bad to good.

From despair to hope.

I’m not about to sign a list that makes me available to further suffering but when painful issues affect our lives, it helps to keep in mind that suffering transforms us to someone better.

Viktor Frankl, the psychologist who was incarcerated in a World War II concentration camp and documented his journey in Man’s Search for Meaning said:

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

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New Ways To Show Gratitude

Almost everyone knows how to thank another person for a favor or a nicety.

But if you’re hardcore and want to be even more responsive about showing your thanks, here are a few more ways.

  • Tell someone else who knows the person you want to thank about how you feel about them.  Watch how fast that gets back to them in a positive way.
  • The next time you want to reward an employee or fellow worker for doing something outstanding, give a gift to their spouse and say something like “to the husband of our company’s best salesperson in May”.
  • Pay the compliment in front of as many people as possible in person, through social media or by email.
  • Privately look them in the eye and show them your humanity as you express your gratitude – no distractions, phones or screens.
  • Put a note or a card in a place where they’ll find it and bring a smile to their face.

“Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have”.

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  • New? Ok maybe the social media , but these are old. That said they work and you are right on! Maybe new to some and thats ok too. Or maybe even a reminder to us that “used to do that” but just dont any more. Thanks again for the Day Starter!!!

Overcoming the Fear of Speaking

It is no secret that almost every survey conducted about fear puts the fear of speaking at the top of the list.

Loss of a job, a divorce – all fall under that.

People surveyed even fear speaking in public more than death.

Well, it doesn’t have to be that way.

A couple of thoughts can help change the way you look at public speaking and help deal with the fear.

  • If you have confidence in yourself as a person, you have mastered the number one attribute to speaking successfully in front of groups.
  • Speak on the right topic.  Everyone is eloquent on what they know.
  • As TED founder Chris Anderson reminds us (from TED Talks) find something worth saying that a listener would receive as a gift.
  • Narrow the topic – speakers almost always try to cover too much.  You can always make details available on online platforms such as Google Drive but you don’t have to cover everything.
  • Keep it short.
  • Never fear being nervous.  Get the butterflies to fly in formation.
  • Practice your talk or presentation three times and then forget it.  Once you know that you can deliver the talk, it doesn’t have to come out the same way every time.  This is the fun of speaking.

The goal is to get a person to challenge their belief system not to get them to change their minds or think your way.

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The Joy of Cancer

I never thought I would use joy and cancer in the same phrase.

A few weeks ago while waiting my annual stress test, I sat next to a delightful woman with a British accent.  Her granddaughter, 32 years old, was by her side agitated and in tears.

She was upset because the nurse asked her to fill out a form that among other things wanted to know whether she was pregnant.  Her grandmother later told me her granddaughter couldn’t have children.

She had terminal cancer with anywhere from six months to five years to live and her ovaries were removed because the cancer was spreading.

While she was having her tests, her grandmother spoke in such a loving and caring way that it was inspirational.

Her granddaughter married five years ago when the cancer was first discovered, and her husband was still by her side as supportive as ever.

She wanted to be a writer someday so that instead of dallying any longer, she started a blog to document the feelings she was having as she faced her own mortality.

Sick and taking a course of chemotherapy, the young girl flew to Europe with her grandmother to attend a wedding in London.  On the way home she got so sick an ambulance had to meet the plane at the gate in Atlanta where she spent another week in a hospital.

You get the point.

This poor girl was happier than most people that surrounded her because she valued and lived her life, overcame her difficulties and lived in the present one day at a time because she had no other option.

I have always wondered how people with significant and/or terminal illnesses can be so happy when those of us blessed to be otherwise healthy could struggle with happiness.

Now I know the answer.

This girl with pancreatic cancer is living one day at a time and it is working out better for her than for those of us who live like tomorrow is guaranteed.

What a gift I received that afternoon.

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  • You used the expression “one day at a time” a couple of times in your article, and it reminded me of a conversation I had with one of my cancer team doctors back when I was stage 4.  He said, “Tony do you know why recovering alcoholics make the best cancer patients?” 
    “Because they have coping skills.”

    Thanks Jerry

    Tony Magoo

  • You used the expression “one day at a time” a couple of times in your article, and it reminded me of a conversation I had with one of my cancer team doctors back when I was stage 4.  He said, “Tony do you know why recovering alcoholics make the best cancer patients?” 
    “Because they have coping skills.”

    Thanks Jerry

    Tony Magoo

A Sure Way To Happiness

Today show someone that you care.

Show them your humanity.

Get the focus off of you and project it on the needs of others.

Our world is so self-absorbed for many reasons but unfortunately getting what we want does not bring us happiness.

It’s actually the other way around.

Helping others get what they want always brings us happiness.

Help someone pay a bill.

Help someone get what they want while you temporarily pass up an opportunity to have it your way.

Give the gift of your time to someone else even if you’re stressed and have little time to give.

Lift someone else out of depression or a bad mood by being positive and do it by not mentioning the word “I” once.

Listen to someone else’s story without having to then tell one of your own.

Let someone have your way (after all, that’s my definition of diplomacy).

Because when we give away our power even when we don’t feel like it, we are almost always happy we did it.

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Fixing Faults

Some of us just cannot concentrate on the positive long enough to leave toxic negative thoughts behind.

Ask anyone about their job and you are likely to hear more of what is wrong than what is right.

But here is a very effective way to deal with your faults – real and perceived.

Consider your three biggest faults and make a note of them.

Then, work to eliminate them as many times as you can in a day.

For example, say you want to stop interrupting people, want to be a better friend and not criticize others too much.

Being mindful of these faults, count the number of times in a day that you interrupted someone.  If it is three today and one tomorrow, you can feel the progress.

Want to be a better friend?  Count the number of times in a day that you did things a friend would do – reach out, listen, care.  If at the end of the day that number is zero, then progress has not been made.  But if you texted a friend, spent time listening to their problems, initiated getting together face to face, then you have three successes.

If you hate that you’re so critical of others, count how many times you have been critical of someone else in a given day.  If it was five yesterday and three today, you’re making progress.

People don’t automatically change, or improve or re-invent themselves.

But we do make choices that matter every minute of the day.

To count the progress in a tangible way like this, encourages you to stick to a plan that helps you battle your faults.

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