Changing That Little Voice In Your Head

Our level of confidence usually comes down to that little voice in our head that gives us permission to succeed or sets us up to fail.

A baseball player doesn’t take the field and listen to an inner voice that says “Don’t hit the ball to me, I might drop it or commit an error”.

And their inner voice doesn’t even say “I will not make an error”.

It’s better yet.

“Hit the ball to me – I can handle it”.

This is how to change that little voice in your head that somehow says “I can speak one on one but not to groups”.

Kick that voice out.

“I can speak to anyone from my heart, as myself, as long as I have earned the right to speak on the topic”.

Or for folks who say, “They will never hire me with all those qualified people applying”.

Adjust your inner voice to say, “They ought to hire me – I’m an excellent candidate, I work hard and I will make a difference”.

For those of us looking for the perfect mate in our lives, why not choke off that unhelpful voice that says “I can’t find that person” and replace it with:

“Someone is waiting to meet and get to know me as the person I am so I will just keep being that person”.

Tweetable reminder: Banish that inner voice that says “I can’t” with the one that says “I can handle it”.

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Rebounding from Personal Attacks

A friend of mine, Jim Carnegie, passed away this past week.

Jimmy was a complex man with whom I had a complicated relationship but I was horrified to see an ex-employee of his rip into a dead man the way she did on the RadioInk website.

I’m not taking away from any shortcomings they may have had in their relationship with the deceased but I got the feeling that she had the need to air her dirty laundry more than the mourners, friends and family needed to hear it.

In our digital social media world, we have all been victims of personal attacks but when it is aimed at the dead before the body gets cold, you can see we have problem.

The best defense for personal attacks is not necessarily what is intuitive to us which is to hit back.

One of my media publication readers ripped me in an e-mail last week to which I agreed with him and left a phone message for him to personally hear him out.

I’m still waiting for a return call.

Personal attacks are bullying.

Here are some defenses.

  • Just because someone has hurt you the most does not mean that they are correct.  They may have issues of their own like the two examples I cited above.  Don’t make their issues your issues.
  • Reach out to the attacker and most likely they will run which will help you accept that they are just being mean and you are being open minded.
  • 9% of personal attacks do not happen live in person between two people.  It doesn’t take much courage to attack another person behind their backs so what they say is not worth considering.
  • And this is my favorite – when anyone points fingers at me, I am reminded they are also pointing several fingers back at themselves.  If you have to deal with such people, consider what their issues may be before beating yourself up.

“How people treat you is their karma.  How you react is yours” – Wayne Dyer

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Killer Presentations

I never rehearse a presentation more than 3 times.

And I do it 3 times only to prove to myself that each time will be different and the fourth – the actual presentation – will be different yet which is just fine.

The best prep for a presentation is to build your confidence not over prep the material.

  • You have earned the right to be doing the presentation which is why you are doing it.
  • Your goal is to give your audience a “gift” – something special that they will remember.
  • Doing a perfect presentation is not as important as doing an authentic presentation.
  • Before you can ask your group or listeners to accept you as a credible presenter, you must see yourself as a credible presenter.

“People who know what they’re talking about don’t need PowerPoint” – Steve Jobs

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How to Become a Free Agent

Within the next few weeks I will make my annual pilgrimage to the Jersey shore for all the obvious reasons and one not so obvious.

That’s when I become a free agent every year and I use the beach time to think about what I want to do in the year ahead.

My career.  My personal life.  My yet unfulfilled dreams.

Sports figures are lucky.  They get to negotiate and renegotiate not only their salaries but where they want to play and how long.  But so many of us just keep going until something happens that makes us have to deal with it.

Like getting fired.  Or burned out.  Or discouraged.

Here’s my mission:

  • Do I want to keep doing what I do for a living next year (and for me next year starts in September) or am I ready to make a change?  Add a challenge.  Drop something that is not rewarding.  I had a close call with death this year due to a familial aneurysm I didn’t know I had.  You can believe I am seeing things very differently now that I dodged that bullet so I can hardly wait to see what I decide.
  • What am I worth?  Most of us accept what our employers decide we are worth and when they are taking bonuses while cutting our salaries, does that mean we are actually worth less?  In sports, arbitrators use similar situations, skills, accomplishments to determine a player’s worth.  That works for us, too.  How do we perform compared to others?  Not how does a company compensate us.
  • What new skill sets do I need if in fact I want to begin to change how I work or spend my time?  Often we just hit up Monster and apply but acquiring new skills are critical to career growth and satisfaction.
  • Remember, you are signing a one-year contract with yourself.  You may decide to do what you do for one more year but that’s it which tells you that you have 12 months to acquire the skills necessary to go on.

I love becoming a free agent.

I don’t know what I will decide to do because I’m going to think it through.

But one thing I am NOT going to do is miss the opportunity to become a free agent in a world with so much opportunity.

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  • Thank you – again – for your thoughtful insights. ,I’m on Cape Hatteras, NC, working through the same things, including an “outside event” health scare that could reappear anytime, but most likely won’t be what will get me in the end (so say several doctors). While I’m planning on a “happy healthy hundred” years, I too am trying to prioritize in case it’s a shorter trip than that. As it is written, “More will be revealed.” I’ll keep you posted when it is.

5 Ways to Boost Confidence

  •  I’ve done it before and I can do it again.
  • Do the things you fear to do and the fear will go away from you.
  • Never fear making a mistake because mistakes are always a rehearsal for future success.
  • Talk to yourself in a way that you would talk to someone you really love.
  • Self-confidence comes from what you think of you; not what others think of you.

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Life Lessons From US Airways Flight 1549

Ric Elias had a front row seat the day Captain Chesley B “Sully” Sullenberger glided his flight down on the Hudson River barely missing the George Washington Bridge in January, 2009.

Every passenger survived their close call with death for which Sullenberger’s cool, calm skills have been rightly acclaimed.

But Elias put into words a wake up call that I want to share with you.

How his close call with death changed his life.

  1. Don’t postpone anything in life. Elias said, “I learned that it all changes in an instant … We have this bucket list, we have these things we want to do in life, and I thought about all the people I wanted to reach out to that I didn’t, all the fences I wanted to mend, all the experiences I wanted to have and I never did.”
  2. Don’t waste time on things that don’t matter.  Elias said he hasn’t had a fight with his wife in years. Don’t be right. Be happy.
  3. Find the most important thing in life.  Being a parent. A friend. Work can rob us of our ability to be friends and spend time on which becomes so important when we believe we are down to our last few seconds of life.

Does it take a near fatal plane crash to know what is really important or can we get to it by thinking about what our priorities would be if we had only a few seconds left and we got a second chance?

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New Bullying Tactic Called Roasting

This dangerous step up from regular cyber bullying involves humor and ganging up on someone in particular.  Dangerous because the humor part often masks the meanness of intent.

So as each year goes on adults and children both are being exposed to bullying from people who will not look them in the face to deliver their invectives.

Schools are investing a lot of time and effort into preventing bullying with minimal results.  Social media – a misnomer for sure – is the dangerous weapon.

Cyber bullying is not going away.

The best defense is a good offense from people who are comfortable being authentic.

To children, never let anyone else record on your hard drive (brain). 

To adults, bully’s go elsewhere when they see a person is truly comfortable in their own shoes.

And that’s where the answer is to be found.

No one is perfect.

No one is worthless.

And no one ever gets direct access to your brain without you first deciding whether you will let it in.

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How to Get a Boost of Confidence

Study confident people and you will see the one quality they all have is the ability to use past successes to access future success.

In other words, they remember the things that made them feel great, powerful, effective and happy and they use a technique to unleash what worked for them in the past once again.

Most people forget about their successes as impressive as some of them are and concentrate on the negative.

To get a boost of confidence, try this …

I’ve done it before and I can do it again.

If I don’t believe, why am I asking someone else to?

Confidence is a perishable item.

When things are going great, we tend to have a lot of it.

When things are challenging, we need a boost.

But the boost must come from within.

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Chasing Your Dreams

Millennials are big dreamers but you don’t have to be 18-34 to follow the passion that drives you.

I had a student at USC ask me “when do you stop pursuing your dreams for something more stable?”

My answer surprised him.


This does not mean you don’t work and pay the rent but why would you do anything to stop your dreams from coming true?

Not everyone can be a recording artist, but I have plenty of friends whose lives are defined by the music they continue to make.

Entrepreneurs seem immune to the idea that there is anything they cannot do – as it should be.

A young man challenged me one time and said, “I want to work in the South Sea islands creating awesome vacations that travel agencies could never imagine”.

My answer was, sounds like a good business to me.

The essence of what we are is defined by our hopes and dreams.

Never voluntarily disconnect your life from them.

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Steps to Becoming a Better Listener

Very few people are good listeners.

In fact, most of us talk too much about ourselves.

Self-absorption runs rampant.

But if you desire to be a better listener, here are some secrets …

  • Tune in enough to be able to repeat the essence of what a person is saying to you when they stop talking.
  • Resist the temptation to match every comment they make with a comment or story about you.
  • Becoming a great listener is about consciously drawing out a narrative from someone else without judging it or trying to top it.
  • Good listeners are curious people – by instinct they want to know more.
  • Ask questions, don’t make statements.

One of the many advantages of being a better listener is that people are drawn to you.

How ironic?

The less we say and the more we listen, the more people feel connected to others.

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