Overcoming Failure Faster

Everyone fails.

Some build on that failure and some let it get into their psyche.

Study any successful or happy person and you are likely to see a life of ups and downs – some hurtful and significant — that they have to overcome.

Much has been said about how to overcome obstacles, but nothing works faster or better then this technique used by those who shake it off.

Deal with failure and move on.

We let failure stick around like a bad cologne when the first thing to do is move on.

A sports team in a slump lets failure get into their psyche.  They bear down harder and still can’t turn it around.  Waiting for luck can be a long wait.

To quote the old R&B song “One Monkey Don’t Stop No Show” means one setback should not prevent further progress.

If we’re going to let negative failure thoughts take valuable space up in our heads, we are not going to learn from our mistakes and are likely to get stuck in a bad place.

If we are willing to deal with our difficulties and then – and this is the important part – move on, then we have discovered the secret to overcoming failure faster.

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For Those Who Have a Hard Time Living in the Now

Picture this.

The past is a file that we can recall whenever we need it.

But, always remember to close that file and return to the present.

The future is about hopes and dreams.  We go there to plan our lives and next moves.

But, if we fail to return to today, those hopes and dreams rarely happen and if they do come to fruition then we’re not in the right place to enjoy them.

Open files and unfinished plans lead us to a life of distraction.

Waiting for a future event like paying off bills, meeting the right mate, or seeing your children off to college can cause us to miss out on all the joy that we experience in between.

Ever notice how anxious we get when we anticipate even wonderful things that could happen in the future.

It isn’t necessary to get everything out of your mind to live in the now.

Just the ability to focus on the one and only life we will ever have – the one that is happening in real time.

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Stopping Too Much Phone Use

I know a nurse who is the single mother of three children – a nice woman with a big heart and the brashness of being born and bred in New Jersey.

There was a teenage girl sitting in the waiting room of her office – with her feet up on a sofa, a sour puss and lots of whining going on while she was glued to her phone oblivious to those around her.

My friend said that when her kids abused their phones and used them for the wrong purposes or withdrew from social interaction, she would call Verizon and shut their phones off.

I was shocked.  I said, “You didn’t?”.  She said, “Yes I did”.

And the repercussions were crying and more crying until her teens decided that they were going to observe and keep their mother’s rules at which point their Verizon accounts were switched back on.  (Yes, this has happened on and off for many of their teen years).

It’s not kids alone who are abusing their phones but parents who refuse to parent and enforce some guidelines.

That’s great for kids, but what about adults who are far more abusive in digging their phones out of their pockets and handbags.

That’s when we must come up big.

Either give me the same 100% focus you give your cellphone or else, move on and leave them to the lonely world of their own devices.

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Get 30-60 Minutes Back Every Day

Email is not just a presidential election issue.  It is strangling all of us.

Even where we still make phone calls, we then waste time memorializing them in a follow-up email.

Email is killing us and not necessarily making our lives better, richer or more productive.  That’s why those who study sociological trends are already talking about the decline of email.

Because email is consuming lives, what’s the way out?

You can do the math, but I spend hours personally and in my businesses with email.  I easily get 1,000 emails for every one call I get at my office.  So, you can see 30-60 minutes is a fair estimation of time I could get back if only I would – well, take my iPhone and make a call.

The biggest problem is work.

Email is so engrained into the daily operations of businesses that you will have a heck of a time weaning others off.

Some ideas to try starting this morning:

  • Write one line emails that say “I will call you” or “Call me” and we can discuss.  Emails do not allow us to read the mood, intention, or personality of others whereas in phone calls we can.
  • Avoid leaving long phone messages.  That’s bad and time consuming.  Just, “hey, it’s Jerry – need to talk” and phone number.
  • Try not to answer certain emails at all if it is really not necessary.
  • Be careful of collaborative sites Iike Slack that allow messaging in teams.  This is very often a time waster.  Email multiplied by X times.
  • And for family, spouse, kids – make the call even if your teenage daughter isn’t likely to return it (or listen to it).

Changing time wasting behavior starts with whether we’re willing to try.

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Quick Way of Turning a Problem into a Solution

What if you take a gnawing problem – one that keeps coming up again and again – and turn it into the solution.

You do that by making every painful or irritating experience with this problem, a reminder to change the way you think about it by embracing a solution.

Therefore, by using every reoccurrence of a problem as a reminder to change the one thing you have control over – you – the solution actually becomes a product or the problem.

I know a person who has been suffering from muscular pain that no medication or painkiller can adequately control.  So when he feels the tightening, he uses each episode to conduct muscle relaxation exercises right then and there.  This retrains the pathways in the brain to do in real time something that doesn’t ameliorate the pain for now but reduces it over time by retraining his brain.

The problem does more than cause pain, it reminds him to do something about it.

And it is working!

So if you have a boss that is unreasonable, let every example of that behavior remind you to be more reasonable with others.  You’ll be giving yourself a gift not a curse.

If a friend or family member is being unfair to you, make every insult or demand an occasion for you to let go of the bad feelings that person is generating.

We’ve spent a lot of time in our lives learning how to stand up to life’s problems, but the one that gets the quickest results makes each occurrence of the problem a reminder to change your behavior every time it crops up.

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This Will Really Make You Believe in Yourself

Whenever we question how much confidence we really have, we should ask ourselves one question:

If I don’t believe in me, how can I ask someone else to?

Often we have it the other way around.

We expect others to believe in us, support us, trust us before we actually do it first.

If you want to believe in yourself, you can’t outsource it to others.

It starts with us.

Shakespeare said, “Assume a virtue if you have it not”.

I find this quote very empowering and there is hardly a week that I don’t find myself repeating it.  Maybe it will work for you the same way.

You must believe in yourself first and always.

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The Most Important Thing in Life

It is more important to make a life than a living.

That’s why when a survey of people in hospice nearing death were asked what they regretted most, the one thing that wasn’t on their list was more time working.

They regretted not spending more time with friends and family.

In retrospect they wished they did the things they always dreamed of doing.

Is there a person you can contact — a friend, family member or associate – who needs to hear the words “It is more important to make a life than a living”?

I remind my children and myself.

This does not mean, don’t work, don’t succeed, don’t make money.

Just that there is more to life than making money.

Studies repeatedly show that after covering expenses and needs, most people do not get incrementally happier as their income goes up.

Believe it or not, the average income for a couple in the U.S. is about $70,000 a year.  When the survey tracked happiness and income, happiness did not go up appreciably with higher income.  In fact, it went down.

So work hard.

Make money.

But most importantly make a life.

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Why You Should Make an “Angie’s List” of Friends

I live in two places and have a list of contractors and sources that make that possible. My list represents the best people I have met.

This got me to thinking – what would an “Angie’s List” of friends look like.

Who is the best person for advice?

Who is the best listener?

Best with money and financial?

Who is the most fun to be with?

Who is best at always being there for me?

Who is best to help in an emergency?

Things like that.

This could get interesting.

For the things that matter most, do we show enough appreciation for friends like these?

And what if you have friends – even spend lots of time with them – and they don’t fall in any meaningful category that you hold important?

Perhaps you might want to spend more time with the people you value most.

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Negativity at Work

Sometimes we’re more than anxious to start the day happy until we arrive at work and get enveloped in the negativity that often exists there.

They can also rob you of your productivity and seriously affect your work mojo.

You can be virtually immune to negativity at work as long as you resist being affected by it.

  • Downers speak and act in a negative way.  By contrast, you can choose to be positive and enthusiastic.
  • Take control of what you will allow to play over and over again in your head.  That is, no one gets to go directly into your head and chip away at your confidence.
  • Turn the negative stuff into opportunities to do something positive.  Take a leadership role in showing respect for other points of view and trying to see things as they do.
  • For those who are just plain negative people, always be aware that positivity trumps negativity every time.

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The Cure for Not Enough Time

My wife and I sat next to a mother and her teenage daughter at what was a “happy birthday” dinner in New York City and the two – both mom and daughter – kept checking their phones all through the meal.

At some points, both were on their phones at the same time.  At other times, mom would sit silently while daughter checked her phone for a minute or more or the other way around.

This is insanity.

It’s not the amount of time we spend with others.  It’s whether we are 100% present in the now for the time we spend.

That means without distractions.

With digital devices stowed.

Ears on, mouth off.

There will be no more guilt about not spending enough time with people we care about.

Treat them with the same attention you would give a cellphone.

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