- “Best” List — Make a list of the things that you are the best at. Only your top traits.
- Work in Progress — Compile a list of things that erode your confidence because they are things you are not feeling good about.
- Review success constantly — Create a “notes” file on your phone to record daily accomplishments and victories that you have. Scroll through that list often. Latest accomplishment on top.
- Permanent accomplishments — The things no one can ever take away from you – getting into the college of your choice, winning a promotion (even if you wind up leaving the job later), things that other people can never know because they are so personal like overcoming an addiction (even if you regress at a later date). Permanent accomplishments should never be forgotten because you earned them and they count towards your self-esteem.
People who lack confidence have no shortage of successes. They just focus on failure too much.
Getting your confidence from the words of others is transient.
Recognizing the things you do well and the improvements you make on the things you could do better is permanent.
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