February marked the 50th anniversary of Mister Rogers Neighborhood on PBS.
Yes, Mister Rogers – the gentle man that comedians poked fun at who would probably be welcomed with open arms were he alive today.
He is known famously for “I like you just the way you are”.
That powerful phrase means little unless we make a conscious choice to try to accept others – and ourselves – as the good people we are.
There is too much emphasis on change.
And we can never change another person – only fools think that.
But to begin to start accepting others and ourselves for the good things we are is a positive way forward.
Every teacher knows that you cannot force a student to learn no matter how good the instruction.
But you can build a desire to learn.
Same is true of accepting people for what they are.
They can always change but that is up to them. We can only inspire.
To begin liking people “just the way you are”, be on the lookout for good in others.
Then look in the mirror and repeat.
We have little trouble knowing our faults, can we consciously start looking for our many strengths.
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