If you have been struggling with a problem and want the best shot at solving it or at least making it less of a problem, you will do better following these steps:
- Ask “what is the problem”. Often, we set out to solve something that is not the real problem.
- What are the causes of the problem? Make a long list without passing judgment.
- What are all the possible solutionsyou can think of? No solution is too wild, far out or inappropriate during this brainstorming stage.
- Choose the best solution from #3 above. Sometimes it will be two possible solutions rolled into one.
- Devise an action planto put your best solution to work.
- Set a date to review your progress.
These specific steps help guarantee that you have a disciplined approach to solving the problem that has been gnawing at you.
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I was still on the air full time when I played that song by England Dan & John Ford Coley. Fond memories of one-on-one full service A/C radio that I miss.