Personal Compassion

Research studies show we are happier, less depressed, anxious or stressed when we are kind and loving to ourselves.

Name the person who loves you the most then look at yourself the way they do – it may be your dog or cat! 

Don’t judge yourself – to do so will cause more fear and anxiety.

Being compassionate to ourselves makes us more compassionate to others. 

Believe the good things about you and don’t be anxious to accept the bad things you hear. 

We spend a lot of time talking about the importance of being compassionate, but compassion starts with you.

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It’s true you only live once (YOLO, as it is known) so make the best of it.

It’s also true that saving for a rainy day is important.

Both can be true at the same time.

And there are consequences to both.

Spend too much and living once can be choking you with bills.

Not enjoying life to the fullest is a waste of your hard work.

I once asked my friend and mentor Wynn Etter of the Dale Carnegie Courses what made him pull the trigger to buy a brand new Cadillac.

He said, “I set a goal at the beginning of the year and reached it”.

That sounded like good advice to me:  set goals, attain them, reward yourself.

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Don’t Do What 3 Out of 4 Doctors Do

Look at a screen while you’re describing your symptoms.

Big medicine is the reason – they’ve found a way to make a patient’s records available seamlessly in case you need them in an emergency or with another doctor.

But, it’s taken a toll on doctor/patient relationships.

Nothing is more effective than looking a person in their eyes while you open your ears – turns out it’s the best medicine.

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The Best Advice

The best advice turns out to be no advice at all.

We humans just want someone to listen to us, to be there, to be supportive, to be heard.

You could solve another person’s problem with all that you’ve learned and it is not as important in the moment as listening to them.

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Reclaim Your Brain

The Guardian published a “lifeometer” designed to illustrate how much time we spend on our phones takes up so much of our life.

One hour a day equals 15 days a year.

Two hours a day 30 days.

Three — 45 days

Seven hours is as much as 106 days on the phone instead of in the present.

With today’s solar eclipse that has inspired so many people to look upward and observe a celestial event that will not recur until August 23, 2044, more of this and less of that.

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Mental Health

How many hours a day, week or month do you engage in physical walking or exercise of one kind or another?

Do you spend an equal or great amount of time on your mental health by de-stressing, doing yoga or some other form of self-awareness?

Many people exercise or try to, often we fail to commit to routines that aid in reducing anxiety, stress and unhappy situations.

Taking care of mental health is an act of self-love.

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The inability or unwillingness to say no is what feeds the anxiety caused by overcommitting.

Sometimes, employers force the question and other times friends and family take advantage of your good nature to pile on another commitment.

Saying no is not rude – it can be said in many different friendly ways and most people will respect you for being honest.

Saying no is often saying yes to your good mental health – you get to decide.

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The author Dr. Peter Attia’s rule of thumb for determining a person’s true age:

“If they talk about the past and all the things that happened and that they did, they’ve gotten old.

“If they talk about their dreams, their aspirations, what they’re still looking forward to, they’re young”.

The past is a reference file, the future is a plan but the present is the best that we have.

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Comparing Yourself to Other People

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar used to hold the NBA record for the most points in a basketball game until February 8 when Lebron James broke the record by pushing to 38,390 points.

Kareem certainly is not feeling bad about himself – his record came before the 3-point shot among other things.

Many have a bad habit of comparing themselves to others.

Do that and you always lose.

Not because it’s inherently true but because it’s an unfair matchup – like Kareem and Lebron.

Barry Bonds holds the record for the most homeruns in a season (73 in 2001) and the most career homeruns at 762 – but there was a controversy about enhancing drugs, a faster baseball.

Your friend who got the job, the promotion or the life you thought you wanted means nothing.

Comparing yourself to someone else is self-sabotage.

From now on compare yourself to only one person – you.

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Winning Words

You (not me)

Proud (like in I’m proud of you)

That must have been difficult (compassion not advice to people who are hurting)



Never give up

Words matter.  Negative words create a narrative of future failure.  Every time you say them you are rehearsing a bad outcome.

Powerful words motivate, inspire and reward to create a path to happiness and success.

Choose your words carefully.

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