We self-interrupt every 3½ minutes.
That is not counting the interruptions that are initiated by others.
You’re collaborating in a group and trying to use your 3½ minutes to the best of your ability and someone contacts you with input, requesting information or asking for something.
Multi-tasking is a fad that never really worked. It just sounded good.
Working or living with constant interruptions, some of which we ourselves are causing, is a difficult way to be productive or happy for that matter.
First steps toward becoming more focused:
Eliminate the interruptions of others (example: set your phone on “do not disturb”)
Do not respond immediately to interrupters, it just brings more unfocused chat
Don’t click on anything digital immediately
Don’t check the phone to see what you’ll get
It takes 23 minutes to refocus our attention after we interrupt each other – a good motivation to take control to regain control.
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