6 Things Just As Dangerous As Texting While Driving

  1. Reading or writing while driving
  2. Reaching for an object other than a phone
  3. Using a touchscreen on a GPS or other vehicle technology
  4. Driving while angry, sad, crying or highly emotional
  5. Fatigue
  6. Interacting with an adult or teen passenger

This from a New Virginia Tech study.

Putting on makeup and following the vehicle in front of you too closely are no longer the impediments that they were previously thought to be.

We’re discovering our digital life is increasingly deadly to relationships, our stress levels and now all of these in-car dangers.

We’re always trying to find ways to live in the now and one great start would be to turn off the phone, eliminate some of the actions and distractions that are proven to be hazardous above and make the car a place to live in the present.

Enjoy the ride, the day and if traffic ruins all those possibilities – at least enjoy the companionship of music or the spoken word.

For sure, we have to become proactive reigning in our digital lives or it will continue to become toxic for our health and happiness.

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