31 Ways To Like Yourself Better

Every day for a month, think of one thing you like about yourself.

It doesn’t have to be a big thing – just something different every day.

The process of doing this will begin to change patterns in the brain that bog us down with undue negativity.

The human mind left to wander will always focus on what’s wrong instead of what is right. It may go back to our hunter/gatherer days where danger doomed constantly but in modern society, the threats have changed from physical ones to psychological ones.

Jot down the one thing you like about yourself each day on a piece of paper or on your favorite digital device.

After 31 days you’ll be impressed about two things.

That you’re training yourself to look for positive things about you – not just thinking about it.

And how fine a person you are just the way you are – Mister Rogers was right.

To put an end to negative thinking and poor self-esteem, train yourself to find one thing each day that makes you proud to be you.

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