3 Surprising Things About Love

Love is what keeps us in special relationships but novelty is what helps love continue to grow.

  1. Meet your partner every day as if you’re meeting them after 30 days.  The response will be all consuming.  Before walking in the door to greet loved ones say to yourself, “Pretend I’m coming home from a month long absence.  How eager would I be and how would I act?”
  2. Be aware of how finite life is.  When you think how many more Christmases you have together, you tend not to waste valuable time.  Children grow up and go to college when they are 17 or 18, how many family vacations together do you have?  This one thought guarantees that you will have no regrets.
  3. For the first 5 minutes when you engage with family members, don’t try to improve them.  Either improve them or enjoy them.  You can’t do both.