That’s the average time we Americans are spending on our phones, digital devices and to a lesser extent TV.
That’s more time than we sleep.
More time than most people work per day.
If you don’t think the digital revolution is starting to present us with some real problems, just think about 10.6 hours a day in front of a screen – on average.
I have confessed to my addiction so I claim no high moral ground here, but I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t really concern me.
What to do:
- Cut it now. Get the average screen time down and replace it with either something introspective (a walk, a run) or interactive (a conversation with no phone able to be accessed during that time).
- Think of your cell or Netflix as a tool not a lifestyle. Dole it out don’t just consume it.
- For every indulgence in digital screen time that you can’t seem to break, add an equal and opposite one for in person talking.
Millennials hate talking on the phone. Most won’t even listen to a voice mail all the way through if at all.
Facebook is working on ways to expand the huge amount of time their billion users spend on their app and many of them are older so it’s not just a youth thing.
Even Steve Jobs and his wife limited their children’s screen time and Jobs is the guy who arguably started all this.
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